what music do y'all like?



  • edited December 1969
    My obssesion this week is Woody Guthrie-just finished reading 'Bound For Glory'-now have a new bio of him, plus his 'Dust Bowl Ballads' & 'Library of Congress' 2 cd set-sad life-I had an uncle that suffered from the same disease (huntingtons) -terrible-but at least Woody had his say before his voice was silenced.
  • edited December 1969
    Finally heard some Alison Krausse (sp?)-not that impressed-little too 'modern' for me, i guess. prefer the more traditional bluegrass-I'll give her another try, though...
    listening to django reinhardt as well-great gypsy guitarist

    been humming "goin' down the road feelin bad" all day, for some reason...
  • edited December 1969
    a kid at work turned me on to System of a Down. WOW !! I am very impressed with this group. They very hard edged but they have some terrific lyrics that, to me, are very relevant to todays troubles, especially BYOB.
  • edited December 1969
    oh, thats the best new song on the radio in years! the vocal gymnastics, the message and meaning, the musicianship. I loved their first album, hadnt heard them since, glad they could follow it up with some kickass stuff.
    All that, and they bring about discussion of the Armenian genocide.
  • edited December 1969
    I love the music that is played on the radio, how many of you have heard of :
    50 Cent
    missy elliot
    gwen stefani?

    e.g, hip hop, pop, rock

    Lol I like your type of music as well. Its really interesting and different. I love the styles.

  • edited December 1969
    Hi Carl, this is my first time on this site, and I've agreed with many things you've posted, but some post 20th century music is easy, and although I don't know you, and have only read a few of your posts here, I think you might like some classical stuff. Yes, I'm biased, I'm a music student and a classical pianist, and like you, (I think), I don't listen to a lot of what people would classify as 'popular' music (pop, rock, etc.), but if you listen to some contemporary classical music, I think you'll find that they regard silence as highly as you do. It's the moments in between the notes that make music beautiful.

    (that having been said, a lot of it isn't as sociable as bluegrass...)
  • edited December 1969
    Hi Alexis,

    Welcome to the board. I emigrated to Australia in 63, worked in Western Australia, but soon went up into Asia. I really enjoyed Australia. I imagine so much has changed there... as with everywhere else. Now, to your musical point...

    I don't doubt what you say. However, I'm below, very below, average in music talent. Thus, the only music I can manage to be in the groove playing is the simple 'people music' - bluegrass and the like :) (and Shakuhachi which is a whole other thing).

    When you've got music talent, as you must, then the world of music is wide open. When you are average or below, and just want to express yourself and 'live in music', then the simplest form is all you can manage to do.

    The modern world, being increasingly expert driven, has put a rift in the people's access to music. They hear the world's greatest musicians, the greatest talent. When people of average music talent try to imitate that, they fall flat on their face and give up. That is if they even attempted it in the first place. Most just turn on the player and listen.
  • edited December 1969
    but sometimes I think the expert driven nature of 'art music' as it is called, over complicates it. I think the better music of this sort expresses what you hear in your head when nothing's on the radio and you've put your guitar down... it's very simple... and sometimes (not always) very good.

    I also lived in Asia. I lived in Hong Kong for 6 years... busy busy place! Where abouts were you?
  • edited December 1969
    I think I'm the only person here who doesn't listen to bluegrass... hehe. It's not that I don't like it, I just prefer other things ;)

    I suppose my favorite genre is rock, but there are so many branches of it that I dunno which one I'd fit into. My favorite bands are Oasis (brilliant British band with good lyrics) and Blink 182 (I think I like them more because the guitar in their songs is easy to play). I like pretty much anything, though, so if any of you have any suggestions I'll try to give 'em a chance :D
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] alexis:[/cite]... I think the better music of this sort expresses what you hear in your head when nothing's on the radio and you've put your guitar down... .
    ...I also lived in Asia. I lived in Hong Kong for 6 years... busy busy place! Where abouts were you?

    Ah, see. Unlike me, you are musically inclined and talented. I never listen to music. I prefer the ambient sounds of life - reality. Even freeway traffic is preferable to music... to my ears. :)

    All S.E. Asia, living and working. Then Japan for 5 years, and the rest of East Asia too.
  • edited December 1969
    I don't really listen to bluegrass either.
    I play a bit of it with friends, but I don't actually know the songs, just follow what they do and sing along when they reach a chorus which has already been repeated 12 times so I can remember a few words (my short term memory is pretty shocking... actually, so is my long term... hmmm..). It's fun to play.
    On a daily basis I probably listen to classical and alternative australian bands the most... I do like a bit of brit pop, but mainly the older stuff, by Pulp and Blur and a few others I can't remember the names of.
  • edited December 1969
    Blur is good. D'you like the Gorillaz, then? 'Cos they're half of Blur right there :D

    I'm open to a lot of different music, I just don't know what to listen to first.
  • edited December 1969
    Gorillaz are a bit too over produced for me. I don't mind studio editing etc. but I think they use it a bit too much that it takes over a bit... sorry... am not being too articulate today... long week.

    If you're interested in classical music, start with the stuff that has always been really popular etc. and if you find a tune you like, look at some of that particular composer's other works. I'd suggest the more rousing tunes, but that's what I like... so, tchaikovsky, strauss is really fun as long as you like waltzes, beethoven, chopin, most things (most) by the more famous composers are pretty good... which is why they're so famous. Mozart is good if you like more... intricate, delicate music... as is Haydn etc. Don't start with Opera, it's hard work.

    As far as aussie music I listen to goes, I like Darren Hanlon, Missy Higgins, Sarah Blasko, The Whitlams (though gets a bit navel gazing), Magic Dirt, Injettison, Dappled Cities Fly... too many to list.

    I also like old school french music, like Edith Piaff etc. but some people can't stand her... so...
  • edited December 1969
    Vassar Clements died...listen to the music play....
  • edited December 1969
    I've recently been turned onto System of a Down by a kid at work. they are very hard edged but they have social comentary in their lyrics. Their latest hit on the airwaves is BYOB.
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