CenterTao Forums Forums -- est. 2004
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Come, take a break from all this strenuous philosophicalizing, and hang out in the CenterTao Lounge!
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The Tao Te Ching (the core Taoist scripture) invites you to contemplate your innermost sense of reality. It doesn't tell you what to do or think, but rather stimulates you to think and reflect.
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Chapter two observes how "the good is only the bad", "the beautiful is only the ugly" and "something and nothing produce each other". Does that make sense? The practical techniques introduced here help you make that perceptual leap.
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If that doesn't put everyone here on a level playing field, nothing will! Also, ignorance is no excuse for keeping silent. It certainly never stopped me!
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A Taoist world view can feel pretty ephemeral at times. Buddha nailed the cause of life's trials and tribulations, and how to deal with it. These truths can help ground you, if you find them true for you. Read and ponder them a while...
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We can improve our chances of seeing what makes us tick by considering human characteristics as symptoms of underlying causes. Naturally, such causes are likewise the result of yet deeper causes right on down to...?????
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These methods give you an opportunity to integrate mind, breath and body in the 'flowing moment'. It can be easier to notice awareness 'leave the moment' when you are doing them sincerely, compared with daily activities. Conscientious long term practice appears to increase such watchfulness.