Doing a happy dance

edited February 2005 in The CenterTao Lounge
Each week we address one chapter of the Tao Te Ching. Chapter 59 was originally featured on the 4th week in February.

Note: The Tao Te Ching can be obscure, especially if you think you're supposed to understand what it's saying! We find it easier and more instructive to simply contemplate how the chapter resonates with your personal experience. Becoming more aware at this fundamental level simplifies life. This approach conforms to the view that true knowing lies within ourselves. Thus, when a passage in the scripture resonates, you've found your inner truth. The same applies for when it evokes a question; questions are the grist for self realization.

Chapter 59
In ruling the people and in serving heaven it is best for a ruler to be sparing.
It is because he is sparing
That he may be said to follow the way from the start;
Following the way from the start he may be said to accumulate an abundance of virtue;
Accumulating an abundance of virtue there is nothing he cannot overcome;
When there is nothing he cannot overcome, no one knows his limit;
He can possess a state;
When he possess the mother of a state
He can then endure.
This is called the way of deep roots and firm stems by which one lives to see many days.


  • edited December 1969
    Just paid off my car today! Lalala! At leats i'll always have a place to live if the worse happens...
    Perhaps there are those among us here who've never felt the squeeze of debt, but I have and i'm tired of feeling like a lemon. So this is a nice step, believe me! Now just a couple more bills to go and new things can start going wrong in my life-hooray-going home to eat some celebration spaghetti and slather calamine lotion on from head to toe (I have some damn itchy rash). Just wanted to share my good fortune.
  • edited December 1969
    to try and limit my postings about personal matters pertaining to me to just this thread, mostly, that way i wont have a thousand threads all over. and if soemones not interested they wont be exposed to it-see how considerate I am? Of course anyone can post in here as well, not my forum to set rules for. All are welcome. hope you enjoy it.
    so heres what going on on my fascinating life: not a damn thing. thank you.
  • edited December 1969
    Sounds kinda of relaxing to me. Isn't there a Chinese curse about wishing someone to live in 'interesting time' or to have an 'interesting life'. Anyway, that would be a good Taoist hex to put on someone, I reckon. :wink:
  • edited December 1969
    I love that curse. I've heard it attributed to several cultures-another saying that gets credited to several different cultures is 'revenge is a dish best eaten cold'-anyone know where this originated?
    Well, the last couple weeks i've had a terrible itch all over-oh sure, sounds fun, and was for a while, but now i'm ready to peel my skin off (the ultimate nudist)-hard to talk about, makes me sound dirty, like I have cooties or something.
    Must've caught something from these kids at work (it's a pit of disease here) or from the low class kids at my kids'school...I've bathed in calamine lotion, baking soda, used every anti itch product i can find-it seems to be fading slowly...
    A friend had a similar problem they ended up giving her steroids for (!!!) Thats all I need: 'roid rage'! and I dont want to bulk up unnaturally-then the Cardinals would draft me & I hate baseball. Not to mention what i've heard 'roids do to parts down below...Eeek!
    So many new viruses around-man has destroyed his immune system-we're all doomed...
    I hate doctors (went for the first time in 5 years last year for my knee, which they were of absolutely no help with) and I avoid pills and medicine in general but might have to break down and go.
    Any ideas what this might be and what might help? (I checked my detergent, clothes,diet, etc, to no avail)
    Failing that, anyone want to come to Oregon and scratch my back for a while?
  • edited December 1969
    Got home from work t'other morning-hungry-decided to have a piece of apple pie. dished it up, took it into the living room, set it down, went off to do a couple other quick chores-came back, sat down in my recliner.
    Guess where I'd put my pie? yep.
    Just glad I had pants on...ate it anyway, of course.
  • edited December 1969
    I did a little research on that revenge quote Buddy (I teach and am also a librarian--lucky you!) and here's what I found.

    The earliest known use of this proverb, Revenge is a dish best served cold, is by the French author, Pierre Chaderlos de Laclos, in his book, "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" printed in 1782. It's been reprinted into English by various authors and into a play by playwright, Chris Hampton. It has also been made into motion pictures under these titles: "Dangerous Liaisons" in 1988 and "Cruel Intentions" in 1999.

    The modern English translation of the quote is from a Dorothy Parker around 1916. She was known for her wit and humor and wrote for magazines and newspapers.

    However, the quote (like revenge) knows no cultural boundaries. Mario Puzo used the line in "The Godfather", so it is said to be of Sicilian origin. But it is also claimed by the Chinese, Arabs, Spanish, English, Russians, Romanians, and even the Klingons! It was used in one of the original Star Trek episodes and in Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan.

    Now about that rash Buddy...I have a Mayo Clinic Health Encyclopedia in the library that has gross pictures of rashes, but I'm no Dr. My son used to get poison ivy bad every year, and they'd give him a topical steroid cream. It cleared up right away.

    Maybe you have shingles, it's a form of chicken pox. You said your rash was on your back. Shingles usually is around the spine I think. It can cause a lot of pain too. Tick bites can cause a rash. Have you been out on any walks...nude? Have you been around any cats or dogs? If you have, and they have fleas, you could have flea bites too. Certain types of fabrics in sweatshirts can cause a rash if you get sweaty...kind of like how a kid would get a prickly heat rash. When my son had chicken pox, I used an over-the-counter oatmeal soap...I can't remember the name of it.

    I've recently discovered I'm allergic to shrimp and I love shrimp! But every time I've eaten it within the last year, I get hives all over my neck and throat. They say that each allergic reaction may be worse, and I certainly don't want to stop breathing, so no more shrimp in my stir fry or salads.

    "Let us make medicine of our great revenge to cure this deadly grief"
    Shakespeare's Macbeth

  • edited December 1969
    Wow, thanx for the help. Very impressive. I recently read the history of the Oxford dictionary -by Simon Winchester-and it was fascinating, the research that went into finding origins of words and phrases.

    Going about nude is actually the best way to avoid tick bites-they feed off the areas of skin constricted by clothing-underwear waistlines, tight socks-so nudists are safer from this pest.
    havent changed my diet-doesnt seem like an allergy-it's a mystery...
    I've been around a few dogs, and even more people, who likely have fleas-but this is so widespread and persistant, cant believe thats what it is either.

    I love Shakespeare, btw-I relate to this line from Hamlet (I think): 'Take thy hands from around my neck, for though I am not splentitive or rash, yet have I in me something evil which let they wiseness fear.'
    Basically a nice way of telling people 'dont 'f' with me'. I like that.
  • edited December 1969
    So, having paid the car off, I expect to wreck it any day now. Balance in the universe and all...sure enough, t'other day on a busy city street, here comes a hubcap rolling towards me at a great speed, having obviously just come off some poor unfortunate's car. I braked hard, and the spinning wheel of steel death stopped suddenly and fell on its side, right between my tires-the person behind me probably got whiplash from braking so fast, and rightly so for following so close. Hope they had to go home and change pants.
    Only damage I suffered was a full box of dog biscuits (scooby snacks brand) propelling itself from the back seat and emptying completely all over the front-and of course I had just vacuumed inside there.
    No 'final destination' this time...
  • edited December 1969
    Well, it's Sunday morning in America...

    I'm off work in an hour-just in time, too, my fingers are getting tired-gonna clean house all day-hate to miss a day with my kid, but the ol homestead is getting out of hand. If I get together with the boy, I'll never get to the chores...hope it's sunny. Y'all been getting some rain down in Cali, i hear...

    Think I'll buy my first pair of shorts in 20 years today, too-just been in a shorts mood lately...

    Then the Oscars tonite- order a pizza and make fun of all the famous people...

    I'm on 4 other forums now besides this one, but dont worry, i'll always visit...but like the good will ambassador i am, i must travel the globe relieving sorrow and spreading cheer.
    just like Princess Di, except I'm not a hot dead babe.
    On that note, i wish you peace and wellness.
    see ya tuesday.
  • edited December 1969
    I'm doing the happy dance today....Snow Day!...No school! We've got about a foot of snow and the lake effect is kicking's still snowing!
    No bare feet here, I've got the warm fuzzy slippers on, hot chocolate and my lap is good.
  • edited December 1969
    I NEVER do the happy dance when it snows-hate the stuff-luckily none here this year-last year was more than enuf-inches on ice over everything for 3 days...I'm a warm weather sort. I lived in Iowa as a kid, got my fill of snow there. My fill of snow and my fill of Iowans!
  • edited December 1969
    couple of bad mornings-

    A's folks are just so lazy and irresponsible sometimes its hard to keep a civil tongue in my mouth...tired of him being around trashy people, adults as bad as the kids...
    and trouble with our union at work-they're just as corrupt as the administration there-politics and filth.
    Plus a Verizon (BOO!) pay phone ripped me off for 50cents...

    Had to go to my dojo yesterday and really kick things hard to feel better...
    It worked, and A has joined the boys and girls club, which he's enjoying. plus i'm sending him to a week's worth of classes this summer thru the Portland science museum (OMSI)-different destinations and activities each day, including a dinosaur dig, which he's dying for.They'll come back each night-dont think he's ready for a full week away yet-and I know I'm not...
  • edited December 1969
    Days are going better-my teacher forgot to tell me (& only me-why is always me that gets forgotten?) that there was no lesson today before the regular class, so sat on the hood of my car catching some rays for an hour. Glad it's been nice out. Meditated, relaxed... worked out for the best, had extra energy in class..
  • edited December 1969
    A went to his first movie by himself yesterday-I was nervous, but it turned out fine. Apparently last week I'd told him he could do this-kids remember i gave him the lecture about not talking to strangers, not flashing his money, and told him if he got scared just find a nice older man in a raincoat to sit by and everything would be ok...
    He saw 'the Incredibles' for the 2nd time-lovin' that new second-run cheap seat theatre...
    really, i'm training him for summertime when he'll probably stay with me 7 days a week, including many nights by himself while i'm at woirk-he's 11 next month-do y'all think thats old enuf for 'home alone'?
    His mother will have 4 heart attacks when she finds out what he did-that alone makes it worth the price of admission...
  • edited December 1969
    Not doing much happy dancing this week-A got 3 referrals in 2 days-suspended for a day for kicking a kid, and lucky to get off that easy-peer pressure just overwhelms him-he's so covetous of acceptance by his idiot classmates...he's a slow learner, and gets frustrated, and misses alot of school due mainly to his lack of parental support when i'm not around (his mom's reaction to his suspension was 15 minutes of yelling at him 'You're going to be arrested, you're going to jail!' and his dad threatened to kill him-great parenting skills those two have...)
    Theres been nothing but tears and talk this week-lots of discussion about choices and decisions and trust...his karate teacher has also taken both the nice guy and bad guy route with regards to talking with him, to see what works-good lesson for him-he's single, young and as he admits 'I dont know anything about kids except how to teach them karate' but he's been a big help...
    Think it's pretty well set that this'll be his last year in public school; private or home schooling next year-both of which I'll of course provide and pay for.
    Man, if anyone ever asks me to volunteer for anything again, I'm going to run away screaming...
  • JoeJoe
    edited December 1969
    Hey Buddy, I admire you're committment to kids in general, and this one in particular. I worked with emotionally disturbed kids many years ago. It was a very hard job, but boy it sure taught me about being firm with kids.

    Now I have my own 9 year old daughter. She's a lively, energetic, happy kid. But we occasionally have our moments. That's enough challenge for me in our family; I can't imagine the difficulties in dealing with A's original home life.

    Also, I saw that you grew up in Iowa. I grew up in Mason City, IA. Moved to Santa Cruz, CA for 20 years. Came away with Taoism, a wife, and a daughter. Moved back to Mason City 3 years ago. (We just got 6 inches of snow last night. Say hello to a few hours of shoveling!)

    Anyway, keep up the good work for the kids. We struggle with the suffering in life, but I figure pushing ourselves to do better as parents is one of the most important things we can do.
  • edited December 1969
    thanx. I actually only lived in Iowa for 4 years-from '77-81 but that was enuf-every year the snow piled over my 10 yo head...

    Found out my kid wasnt involved in the actual planning of the assault, so he's not in as much trouble as some of the other kids. also found out he's been having problems at school since around xmas time that neither he nor the school bothered to tell us about
    His mom's going to push this to get the district to pay for a private school, and i'm all for it if she can swing it. He gets teased, frustrated, threatened, and noone does anything about it...

    He wrote an apology letter today for getting 'expended from school', and since his mom banned him from playing with any of his toys this week, he says he's 'just had to play with my body'-LOL-he means he just runs around & plays pretend can you not love a kid like that?
  • edited December 1969
    so where am i at this week...

    The boy got accepted into the Summer Camp program offered by the Portland Science Museum. Yay! Got his financial aid-first time i'd ever asked for anything like this, and they came thru with $200+! So he gets to go to a week of day trips and one overnight: Mt St Helens, a dinosaur dig, and a night at the beach...I'm taking that week off to drive him to and from Portland, late August, should be nice weather, I'll probably just bum around the town all day waiting, cheaper than driving back and forth...we're excited.

    He's 11 on Thursday...getting him an electric guitar and a dragonball z cake, & he gets to spend his piggy bank money-has two, one for coins, one for bills, and only gets to open them on his birthday & happy he's getting older and so sad too...

    I had 4 meetings for work and the union last week, on my own time...and another on tuesday. contract time, we may strike, oh hurray...and in the end we'll get screwed, have no doubt of that..

    karate is going well, next test in 2 months... more later, on my 500th post!
  • edited December 1969
    well, havent posted much lately (which must thrill some to no end)-just havent felt very introspective-very busy with work and the kid. he got his guitar for his birthday, knows how to tune it, replace strings, just needs to learn how to play (the easy part)...have him set up for lessons in a few weeks-let him mess around with it on his own first. I may reorder the music book after i gather the $25-wrote the postmaseter a very angry note about all my missing mail over the years-i get mail for 8 people who had the box before me, but can't get my own!?
    Now he wants a piano!
    Had hoped to visit y'all this spring, but with gas so high, cant swing it-barely get out of town...walkking and riding the 2 or 3 days a week it's not rainy...
    anyway, still thinking of y'all-rainy here, again, still, always, sitting at one of our town's first 2 'cyber cafes' (Salem: rushing into the 21st century!)
    well, hope this finds you all well-I'll be back more regularly soon, i'm sure, be forewarned...
  • edited December 1969
    knows how to tune it, replace strings,

    Wow! He can change the strings already! Good for him! Each time I change the strings, I need the strings I just changed to be changed. Same with tuning.

    What's the previous box owner's mail like? . . not to be nosy or anything. Just curious. :wink:
  • edited December 1969
    hey, being nosy is ok-if more folks were nosy, there'd be less terrorism...i'm one who actually believes in curtailing personal freedoms-what i truly hold dear and private no govenment can touch anyway...
    one of the previous box holders was a pilot and a gambler-i get FAA reports and race track sheets...

    we got an automatic tuner with the guitar set-pretty handy and easy-just no time to play and nobody we know plays anything-probably won't get lessons or much chance to playtill summer-and then still want him to continue his trumpet...and i was sloppy in my previous post-it's anthony who wants a piano, not the postmaster-LOL

    BTW, i'm reading a new book with daily journal entries by Thomas Merton-really beautiful and appropriate-if y'all have never read him, look him up-truly holy human.
  • edited December 1969
    wow, this joint is jumping these days...never know where the Abbotts will show up next-love the pictures...nice truck (and GF, Luke-I also have a new s.o. in my life-heehee, must be spring-now just gotta hook Kyle up)
    I'll send y'all some more pics of meself soon, as i now have (ahem) a home computer! Yes, I'm rushing right into the 1990's!
    That leaves about 4 people in the world without one now...

    on other fronts: Anthony graduates 5th grade this month-he's in a play 'treasure island', and also will play trumpet at the graduation. then next year private or home schooling-thats it for the public school sucksym.

    I've been away mostly for a while, checking in now and then but too tired to post most. glad to see others are keeping this site going-i'll post more when i'm able to at home, gives me more time to read, think and consider the deeper topics here...
  • edited December 1969
    proud daddy moment: anthony got 4 awards at graduation yesterday-for achievement & improvement in band, reading, handwriting, and fundraising-he looked so handsome and walked so staright and proud.

    and the first thing he did outside afterwards was shed his shoes and barefoot the rest of the night

    so pleased with him in so many ways...
  • edited December 1969
    well, we're moving-found a house just a few blocks way-lot bigger than my current 4 plex apartment, where I've been 9 years-huge yard, fenced in so we can have a dog (A wants a chihuahua named Pablo)-garden area-which with my brown thumb should be an adventure-garage-hardwood floors, big rooms-double the rent i'm paying now but thats what moneys for-between the increased rent and the loan i took out to move, there goes the $600 a month i saved by paying off the car and karate, but again, it's for a good cause-anthony can have a pet and his own room and a little elbow room-he'll know that at our house at least it'll just be me and him, no junkies crashed in his bedroom...and for half the week i'll actually live alone, which has been so rare in my life...
    the owners are a nice couple who live right across the street, own several properties and a painting business-told me they're both ex cons, 12 years clean and free now, doing alright. not a problem with me, who am i to judge.
    if they treat me right i'll stay there till i retire..
    started packing today, taking stuff off the walls (i have ALOT of stuff on the walls) a little depressing and stressful, and who knows what my brother (whom i live with now) will do-but cant worry about him, have to put the kid first...
    anyway thats whats up with us...
  • edited December 1969
    congrats Buddy !! I know A will really enjoy the extra room and his pet.

    yeah, you gotta put the kid first.
    peace out,
  • edited December 1969
    Broke my partner's arm this week in karate. She landed wrong-I'm upset about it and take my share of the responsibility, but also unhappy with students like her: a 40ish mother of another student, no idea why she joined the class-obviously she'd rather be sitting, reading in the library-maybe she doesnt trust her daughter around all us macho men-she's been in about a year and cant even fall right? hasnt gained any strength... tired of these soccer moms joining, thinking it'll be like step aerobics or something-martial arts is a physical, mental and spiritual pursuit, not to be taken lightly.
    I know this is rude, griping about someone whose arm I broke, but dang! i feel terrible, it hurts my repuatuon in there, and making the wrong decisions in your life affects so many others. find where you belong and stay there, folks.
    I hate choosing partners in class-different one every time-mostly i get stuck with the newbies, the weak, the ones who want to resist learning, or show off what they learned 20 years ago in tae kwon do...i'm not unsympathetic (although the first thing i did check was to make sure i couldnt be sued)...I've just got alot on my mind right now and have been depressed anyway, and this sort of thing doesnt help.
  • edited July 2005
    What I have found when faced with guilt, which I hope I'm not presumptive in saying you're feeling, is that it's useful is to pay attention to the feelings, the physical manifestations and the story my mind spins. She might be to blame, but that's not going to help you with the way you feel. So just be with how you feel; your feelings are like children--they just want your attention. Then try to relax and breathe some space into those feelings and then let them go. It will take a while to process through all this. Show yourself compassion. It's not a question of right or wrong. Be kind to yourself.

    The deed is done. There is no sense in you suffering over it; it helps no one.
  • edited December 1969
    Well said, Lynn. Excellent advice. I might add that, unfortunately, falling is often not taught much in karate . . . apparently even JKA/shotokan people can go years without taking the time to learn how to fall (i.e. "roll"). I still can't do it very well. Kyle on the other hand . . . not only can he fall, but he can roll faster than Earl Scruggs . . .

    And personally, I like working with the newbies and the "weak", as long as they have an interest in learning (which in our class they all do). After all, we were all newbies once (and in the [not so?] grand scheme of things, still are).

    Hey, I like this thread. It's like the Buddy blog! Maybe you should rename it that . . . I think it's got kind of a ring to it . . .
  • edited December 1969
    The deed is done. There is no sense in you suffering over it; it helps no one.

    That's exactly what I think about (not word for word of course) when I play on stage. I don't worry or fright when on stage 'cause I know that I'm doing my best and that what's done is done and there's nothing that can be changed. It makes playing on stage a lot better and makes the audience seem less daunting (except when they don't laugh at my jokes, then it feels like the show is rolling downhill and it's me against the audience)

    Excellent! I never thought about it as a blog but it is. Keep bloggin' Buddy1! As long as you keep your blog going, I'll keep mine going. We'll have the Baubbddotty blog collaboration. . . or not.

    Just out of curiosity, did the lady mind that her arm broke? I mean I'm sure she did to a point but did she harbor feelings over it? I mean it is the name of the game (if you know what I mean). You don't try to get hurt but it is sometimes unavoidable (especially when it happens). I mean sometimes I get hurt (nothing broken luckily. I better be careful of what I say 'cause we're going to Karate tonight) but I shrug it off and learn from of it. Like, well, I won't say "like" 'cause that word gets overused. Let's put it this way, for example: When I do an upper block, I might get my arm punched from blocking to early. Well, it hurt my arm but I just learn to block slower.

    for Karate, rolling and falling would probably have to be self taught since they don't teach much of it. . . at least not in my class. I self-taught myself to roll and fall at home way before we went to Karate classes. Easy to learn when you catch fire. (stop, drop and roll. get it? Well, I thought it was funny)

    Just to put a bit of a Taoist spin on this, step aerobics can be physical, mental and spiritual depending on one's frame of mind and on how one looks at it. :wink:
  • edited December 1969
    yeah, you might say she minded that her arm was broken-she near went into shock and tried to pass out a couple times-not having ever had anything broken (knock on head) i can only imagine how it hurts.
    thanx for your support y'all-i still havent been back to class yet this week-dont feel up to it, the glares and the lectures that i'm sure will come. I work harder than most in there and i'll continue to train, but i wont be suffering poorly prepared partners gladly from here out. Give me someone who's serious and ready.
    people think because i joke alot i'm not taking life seriously, and nothing could be farther from the truth-i joke exactly because I DO appreciate the seriousness of it-i'm more aware of life than many, it's resposibilities, its potentials, its dangers...this can be very wearying. I try to just let it be, and it rolls right over me....
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