The shared bedroom and 'brainwashing'



  • edited December 1969
    The mother who breast fed until her child was 5.My GOD you have issues and need to be evaluated.That is not a joke.You need some counseling or soon your child will.

    Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about how uneducated you are about breastfeeding. As a human lactation educator and LLL leader I know all facts.

    Because I think a 5 year old sucking on their mothers teet is wrong you think I am brainwashed.
    Um, I'm a human not a cow. Only cows have teets.

    How in the hell does a 5 year old eat milk and cookies.....on it's moms lap?
    How about cereal?
    how does chocolate milk work?
    LOL, you are too silly to even argue with. Have you ever heard of a kitchen table? Thats where my kids like to eat.
    To the poster who said she sleeps with her child and not her husband(for I think a few years now)how selfish of you and how sad for your husband.
    What a ray of sunshine you are. :roll:
  • edited December 1969
    I came to this site for many reasons and one of them was the yoga part.This site has become unfortunately somewhere for the freaks to hang out at.
    I wonder to the Abbott family,what do you think of the things you have heard,breast feeding till 5 and the other abnormal crap.
    You are the one who started the debate on other issues. It was very friendly till you arrived with your stinky attitude. You said more than once, to more than one person how you feel sorry for our kids' and husbands'. You are rude, uneducated, immature and I hope that for the sake of your kids, or future kids that you learn a little something about compassion and acceptance.
    SInce your very FIRST post here you have done nothing but judge people.
    Either you think your s**t don't stink, or else you are feeling so bad about your own life that you are trying to make others feels bad too because Misery loves company!
  • edited December 1969
    Christine, an article for you
  • edited December 1969
    I live a wonderful life with a beautiful family and home.

    I still will say again that it is unatural,disturbing and sick to breastfeed your child at age 5.

    Add link after link after link I still will say again that it is unatural,disturbing and sick to breastfeed your child at age 5.

    I still feel that it is not fair to the husband of the mother who sleeps with her child.

    Even going as far as to say (mom)she has slept on the floor next to her childs bed.I think mom has issues.
    I still feel that is selfish to her husband.

    ""You are rude, uneducated, immature and I hope that for the sake of your kids, or future kids that you learn a little something about compassion and acceptance""

    I'm not rude just straight to the point
    I do have an education
    Immature,,,,not sure how you got that,did you pull it out of a hat?
    Compassion,,,,the people at the ymca homeless shelter would say I have LOTS!!!
    Acceptance,I have always had acceptance but never what I feel is wrong.

    Your post was rude but you justify it with"you started it first"
    You are the pot calling the kettel BLACK.
  • edited December 1969
    Either you think your s**t don't stink

    I think all s**t stinks

    As for teet,well,um,uuuh it sounded better than t*t
    such a nit picker,geesh
  • edited December 1969
    Christine Frizz has shown link after link because she is an educated and caring "Mother" and her husband is behind her 100%. You talk about someone having issues you didn't bring anything new to the table and Frizz did she brought knowledge, education, and her heart here what you brought was a non supportive biased and childish immature point of view. Too bad you can't open your eyes and ears it would do the world a lot of good.
  • edited December 1969
    Ok I give up, people like you don't change, that really too bad :(
    I wish there was a way to ignore a user, I guess I'll just have to keep on scrolling passed your posts when I see your name.
  • edited December 1969
    I did read the link you provided and you compare mothers breastfeed to monkeys and apes,I now know the way you think.
  • edited December 1969
    My husband is behind me 100%

    Oh please ignore me
    you think bias and opinion are the same thing.

    Ok I give up, people like you don't change,just keep having your teenager suck on you breast.
  • edited December 1969
    five year olds are not teenagers.
  • edited December 1969
    Christine if it makes you feel any better, i've never breast fed my child...
  • edited December 1969
    I swear Buddy I watched a tv show tonight that said a man could breastfeed,alot more went into it but it's to early to explain.
  • edited December 1969
    Yea, definately too early to hear something like that-not anything I've ever desired to do-no burning desire to give birth or any other female thing either-y'all are welcome to it...far as i'm concerned mens nipples are just there so we can tell which side of the shirt goes in front...
  • edited December 1969
    If the nipples are for the shirt then what is the head for?(on their shoulders)
  • edited December 1969
    The show was about a man having breasts(man boobs)

    A small % of then can produce milk.I found it interesting.
  • edited December 1969
    That would save me money on my dairy bill...
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] christine:[/cite]As for teet,well,um,uuuh it sounded better than t*t
    such a nit picker,geesh
    The word is spelled "teat" and pronounced "tit".

    And do get over yourself.

    Nit Picker
  • edited December 1969
    I'm a single Mama with a 9 year old daughter. She's always had a very nice bedroom, but we always slept in my room for a year or so when she was about 3 or 4. She's now 9 and for the last year or so we've also been doing the "couch thing" together. My bedrooms are upstairs and for the past year or so I've gotten into the habit of crashing downstairs on the couch in front of the TV. She just kind of started to fall asleep downstairs as well and now we BOTH do it.

    For the couple on Trading Spouses....

    I found this site from the TS board at FOX. I have to tell you that after each show there are a great many folks who post. I think the MAJORITY of us are intelligent enough to KNOW that these shows are edited to the max! You KNOW darn well that people getting along with no controversy is NOT what makes for ratings....and so do most people. However.....and to Coleen as well if she is reading this.....I often think to myself how *I* would feel if positions were reversed and I was reading the HORRIBLE remarks about myself. OMG.....I would be DEVESTATED. My could it NOT hurt to read such garbage about oneself? And yes....I am also guilty of not writing the nicest things from time to's very easy to fall victim to that kind of behavior. But....after reading comments from those of you that have been on the show....I will DEFINITELY think twice before I do it again.

    Take good care and KEEP THE FAITH!

  • edited December 1969
    To be honest, I came to this site with the wrong idea, basing my opinions on the misrepresentation given by the Fox Network. But now I'm glad I've read things because I've been able to see what a well-adjusted bunch you really are. Since opinions and things have been shared, I do have some of my own. (It's really too bad that this conversation ended up going downhill)

    Whoever this Christine is is just plain rude, but since whoever it was mentioned it, I am curious to know why it is that she sleeps with her child and not her husband- who is the life-partner I assume she chose. I'm not putting her down for sleeping with her child, but it seems to me that sharing a bed, or even a bedroom, is a part of intimacy and bonding with a loved one. (And I don't mean intimacy in a sexual manner) Does he snore? Hog the covers? :P ;)

    And I mean no offense whatsoever Ms. Frizzle, but I don't think the question of sexuality is a stupid question. It seems like this is a place where the people tend to promote being open about themselves and their way of life, etc. Obviously, there are other places and times for sexual relations other than at night in the bedroom, but I don't think being curious about it makes any of us perverts with horrible nasty thoughts on our mind. I'm certainly not attempting to insinuate that families who share bedrooms are exposing their children to anything inappropriate, I'm just curious about how other families work that out. You see, we can't all be blessed in the way that the Abbotts are to be able to work together as well as everything else, and it's just not in our ability to do so right now if that's what we wanted. My fiance and I often have our 2 month old sleep in the same bed with us, and we also have a basinet in the room just in case for a multitude of reasons, one of them being intimate relations. For us, it's about one of the only times we have that option. We're not sex-crazed maniacs, we're newlyweds who have a healthy sex life and choose to express that on occassion. And right now, other places in the house just aren't comfortable for me. So that pretty much leaves our bed. I'm curious about how others handle the situation because my husband and I are still deciding how we'll handle where our son sleeps as he gets older, so I'd like other people's opinions on how that works. Since this family was open enough about it to have it broadcast nationally that they have a family bedroom, one might think that there's at least one person on this messageboard who is willing to share tips, information, etc. And although that is your opinion that the question is stupid, and you have a right to express it, please remember that it's not so obvious to everyone else and try to be a bit more open-minded in that regard. :) It shouldn't be an issue that everyone gets so defensive about. It's a part of life, and a beautiful one at that. I don't see how a person can be so open about everything else, and so closed about a general question. It's not like people were asking what positions are used and other more detailed questions. ;)

    I don't know if I could have/would have breastfed my children until they were five, but more power to you if you can and want to. I do think that we've grown to formula-oriented, but I think we're at least starting to step back in the right direction with the help of LLL and even now the formula companies usually say first that breastmilk is best. In fact, in the free magazines from Enfamil I've been recieving, they're even including articles and such on breastfeeding. I think the person who keeps calling people "sick" and "freaks" really has personal issues that they need to deal with. It seems like it's something they don't understand, so it scares them and makes them lash out. Like a cornered animal. *sighs*

    Kudos to you all and to the Abbotts. While it may not be exactly the lifestyle for me, there are some aspects I would incorporate into my own home, and I truly think the way they live is beautiful. I think, in life in general, if it works for you, and isn't illegal or immoral, then you should keep on doing it. Life is too short for people to be so distant.

    Peace, Love and Cheerios :lol:
  • edited January 2005

    First you referred to your "significant other" as your fiance, and then as your husband. Make your sleeping arrangement with your fiance/spouse legal. You can't call it a "family bedroom" until you are legally a family. Until then, you are just having a slumber party. Cheerios? More like Fruit Loops. That's not a Life. Pick a "choice" with more "fiber".
  • edited December 1969
    I don't want to butt in to this conversation (if you know what I mean) but on a different note, you know what's high in fiber (I think)? Grape Nuts. delicious and pretty healthy (depending on how much sugar you put on it) :D

    We get a bunch of boxes of Grape Nuts at Costco in November/December 'cause that's the only time they carry it. Just thought I'd mention that!

    As for Christine, do I smell burning matter in the upper story?

    Take it easy but take it!

    Big 'K' :D
  • edited December 1969
    I wonder if it would hurt to walk barefoot on grape nuts. hmm :P
  • edited December 1969
    Actually, I spilled Grape Nuts a few times when pouring it into a large container. While I was sweeping it up, I stepped on a bit of it and it sure don't feel the greatest if you know what I mean. It hurts more than walking on a sidewalk barefoot.
  • edited December 1969
    this is about a million years before you were born Tao Nut.. but on the Tonight Show (Johnny Carson era) there used to be a guy named Ewel Gibbons (I think thats how it is spelled). Anyhoo, he was a naturalist . read that .. he said you could boil tree bark for dinner. He promoted Grape Nuts. I like them .. the're crunchy ... Grape Nuts, not boiled tree bark. LOL
  • edited December 1969
    Euell Gibbons. I remember that old coot. His book "Stalking the Wild Asparagus" was originally published in 1962. He looked like Chill Wills and in the commercial held out his hand with grape nuts in his palm and ludicrously intoned the words, "It reminds me of wild hickory nuts..." It was a favorite punchline for many folk for many years. From a Taoist point of view, this is the reply that should be used when someone asks you the meaning of life, rather than the highly pedantic "Who's John Galt?"
  • edited December 1969
    "Many parts are are edible..."
  • edited December 1969
    I am looking for a copy of the Morelli article. I can't find the full-text of it anywhere. Would you mind sending me a copy, if you have the article? Thanks.
  • edited December 1969
    I wear shoes mostly. I remove them at home because they are no longer "necessary" (as I perceive it) and it is more comfortable for me when relaxing.

    Dry-cracked heels, cold, driving, stores, hazards (broken glass, etc), and hot pavement are a few reasons I find it is easier to just wear them all the time rather than wonder if I am going to need them when I am out and about.

    They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. Maybe the opposite is also true; doing things differently is insulting. Neither seems true because I am neither flattered by people that wear shoes nor insulted by people who don't.

    If wearing shoes was considered wierd, I still would because I like them.
  • edited December 1969
    welcome topher-love 'that 70's show'

    I could wear the best shoes, and the finest suits and still be considered weird...but like you i dont care-if i wanta wear them i do, and if not, nobody's gonna make me-in 4th grade i was told i have an attitude problem, and it hasnt gotten any better in the 30 years since-
    LOL. peace Buddy
  • edited December 1969
    wow reading this thread has cleared so much stuff up for me. I was born in China and moved to New Zealand when I was 10, I grew up sleeping in the same bed as my mother (my father was abusive and me and mum only had each other for comfort). My half brother was born when I turned 12, and now I am 21 (happy birthday to me today :D ).

    I have realised that when my brother was little, mum never had the waking up in mornings to feed baby problems, he just never woke up often at night if at all. he stayed in the same bed and mum and his dad, and he is able to sleep independently if needed now that he's older. For me, I slept with mum till I was about 10, the transition was a bit difficult, but I found comfort in other things.

    I have friends now that have children, sleeping in cribs etc, they constantly complain of not having a good night's sleep because their kids wake up 3 times a night. I just realised that chinese families don't experience this problem (the ones that practice the old sleep-in-same-bed-as-kids way). Chinese children do not have an attachment to inanimate objects like some European children do (some of my friends - over 20 - are still inseperable from their blankies or teddies). I find that I have a greater dependence problem due to my mother keeping me beside her for perhaps too long, so if parents can find a good balance in the two, it could provide good nights sleep and get rid of the blanky/teddy dependency.

    and babies are sooo cute, how can you not want to cuddle them all day and all night? :wink:
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