The shared bedroom and 'brainwashing'



  • edited December 1969
    [cite] Michigander:[/cite]Jenisi,

    First you referred to your "significant other" as your fiance, and then as your husband. Make your sleeping arrangement with your fiance/spouse legal. You can't call it a "family bedroom" until you are legally a family. Until then, you are just having a slumber party. Cheerios? More like Fruit Loops. That's not a Life. Pick a "choice" with more "fiber".

    oh please. fiance/husband, only separated by a piece of paper, some words, and an expensive overrated event. just coz you're baptised, doesn't mean you're going to heaven.

    Legal? it is in New Zealand at least, you get legal recognition as a civil union which gets the same rights as a married couple.

    Moral? it's all about intentions. you intend to love and be with this person but not married, is that any worse than if you intend to marry the rich guy old enough to be your granddad to wait for him to die so you get his fortune?

    Your business? absolutely not :)
  • edited December 1969
    happy birthday, judy li! and welcome.
  • edited December 1969
    There are probably more families who sleep together in the world than those who don't.

    There are probably more kids, both young and older, whose parents' sex life is pretty open, than those who keep it completely closeted.

    I rather suspect that a good proportion of the world's population is also not screwed up about total secrecy for masturbation.

    So why is it that the West, and particularly America, are so ridiculously closed-minded and screwed up about these things. Why does sex have to be overlayed with a cloak of dirtiness all the time?

    My 9 year old son, and 4 year old daughter often choose to sleep with me, as does the cat. My sexual relationship with the kids is similar to that with the cat - without substance.
  • edited December 1969
    It just sounds a little creepy to me, I mean, like if one of my kiddies were to have a bad dream or something, then I have no trouble allowing them to sleep in our bed untill they settle down, but other than that, so way! They need to learn to be self-sufficent!! Oh, and I did not feel the "need" to brest feed either, I find that my kids are just as well adjusted as anyone's and even more healthy than some who were breast fed!
  • edited December 1969
    Yeah! Absolutely! Let those kids be independent! Let them leave home with no feeling of connection to family! That's what America is all about. . . *sniff* it's a beautiful thing.
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