Kyle was rude during fishing....



  • edited December 1969
    And here we go with the "respect is a one way street" mentality, Fabian. YOU are being disrespectful, and you seemingly justify your disrespect because Kyle is "only 15." Don't you see how WRONG that is?

  • edited December 1969
    Alright, that's enough. We've all made our points. I don't want to turn this thread into a mud-slinging rant-fest. Lord knows there's enough mud slinging on the FOX boards. Let's call a truce, OK?
  • edited December 1969
    Alright, that's enough. We've all made our points. I don't want to turn this thread into a mud-slinging rant-fest. Lord knows there's enough mud slinging on the FOX boards. Let's call a truce, OK?

    Aww! Just when it was getting fun! :wink: :lol:

    Alright, truce.
  • edited December 1969

    How obnoxious this was : "I am not here to argue with a fifteen year old kid". Yet, you had no problem telling him he was mouthy beforehand, right? And did you expect him to say "yes, sir, I understand sir" ... ?

    When you tell someone they are mouthy, what do you expect in return?

    And, a general point, even if Kyle was not holding a poisonous fish ... EVERYONE is entitled to quietness and space when they wish. Vicky, while seeming to be very nice, was just downright annoying.

    KITCHEN: I am from Toronto too!
  • edited December 1969
    Opps, sorry Luke, I did not see your post there .... my mouth is sealed.
  • edited December 1969
    I hate the message baords and most other groups and forums, mainly because people arent on there to learn new things, just to give their view of things and thats it-if you disagree, they get rude, call you an idiot because of your age or sex or 'lack of experience'-if you prove you have experience they say you're making it up-they constantly ask for 'links' stats or other proof which, if you provide it, they discount or counter with links & stats of their own-then as a final resort they run to a mod and get you banned or warned...just a waste of time...

    The #1 thing I hated as a youngster was having my opinion discounted because of my age...just thought I'd throw that in, because I'm an advocate of fighting age-ism...lots of kids have legitimate things to say, if adults just shut up once in a while and listen.

    Vicki seemed nice, but insecure-she needs constant chatter, cigarettes and a big house...what is she hiding from?
  • edited December 1969
    I know so many of you are going to disagree with me, and thats okay. I have to agree that Kyle was rude. not with just what he was saying but with the way he was acting, and his facial exspressions. Kyle acted as though he was being put out haveing to spend some time with her. Out of the two boys I believe Kyle was the rudest.
  • edited December 1969
    Well, I wasn't put out with Vicky in the least (It was interesting teaching her how to fish and am glad she got over her fear of water 'cause of that trip) but I must admit I was annoyed because what they didn't show is she almost let the pole fall into the drink (ocean) . . . twice. It wasn't my pole (it was Luke's) but still. And when I fish, I usually like to "just be there" if you know what I mean. I like to enjoy the water and the calmness of it (despite cameras everywhere). That's why I like to fish when it's foggy and you can't see any buildings or anything. It's just me and the water. . . and the fish and the sealions (They look a lot like sea elephants but they aren't as big and don't have as big a snout. I think they are related to dogs somehow). What I'm getting to is that I don't like to talk much when fishing and she wanted to (and I have nothing against that). I let her talk and responded to her but I wasn't really trying to encourage conversation when I wanted to enjoy the ocean.

    And I wasn't acting. I was being myself.

    And as for my facial expressions. Those are my facial expressions. I don't find it rude, I find it honest. I didn't fake those expressions (though they did take some out of context).

    All they got (or showed) of me was a few eyebrow raises, a comment on teaching and hand shaking and poof! Not much more than that. I know I said more than that throughout the week so you can't really know how I was "acting" throughout the whole week.

    So that's that.
  • edited December 1969
    A few things people need to realize:
    - Teenage boys dont generally want to spend an excess of time with adult females, especially when pursuing one of their favorite activites. Kyle wasnt being rude, he was being normal.
    - This woman was with them 24 &7 for a week. That'd make anyone rude, regardless of how nice she was.
    -sealions smell really bad.

    I was waiting for her to lose the pole in the water-surprised she didn't.

    There are times when I desire silence, and when i've taken another person to these places, they inevitably feel the need to fill up the space with chatter. Time and place, people-why are humans so afraid of silence...?
  • edited December 1969
    I thought the fishing scene was easily the funniest on the whole show. It was a perfect rendering of the classic comedy routine whereby Subject A verbally badgers (either by repeating the obvious or rambling all over the place) Subject B, while Subject B is attempting to perform some extremely complicated task. For all you W.C. Field fans, I need only repeat, ?Get the gun, Ambrose! Get the gun!?

    In my opinion, Kyle showed the remarkable restraint that is both the great virtue and burden of youth. Any old codger, like me for example, would have been unable to resist using words far more colorful than ?sshh? and I believe that Vickie, being an old codger as well, would have laughed accordingly. Saying ?sshh? to someone is just a fraction above the highly offensive phrase, ?I beg of you, please, let us kindly have a moment of silence for this poor suffering fish.?

    There is a classic Chinese saying: ?Respectful demeanor does not equal obedience? (it sounds more impressive in Chinese). While it is generally misused as a means of getting people to follow orders, the essence of it should really be understood as ?Respectful demeanor does not equal sincerity of respect.? Just because we don?t often ?look? the part (conventionally speaking, that is), doesn?t mean we are any less respectful or anything else.

    Anyway, on the subject of facial expressions, I think it is wise to use them freely.
  • edited December 1969
    Master Kyle,

    I didn't see you as being rude, if anything Vickie was the one being rude. you had said several times for her to be quiet but she wouldn't listen and kept talking. You mentioned you were doing something dangerous,but she kept yammering on and on about nothing. And her lnaguage, you asked her not to use profane words, but she kept at it.

    As for the respect, one has to earn respect to be given respect regardless of age. I'm 47 and respect people far younger than myself, some of them are teenagers because they have shown me respect and in turn they have mine. There are adults that think children should automaticly give them respect just for the fact that they are "older and wiser"... yeah right.

    Kyle, I don't know you other than what I've read here and saw on that show, but you have my respect. Stay the course Kyle, you're a fine young man.

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