Kyle was rude during fishing....

edited December 2004 in The CenterTao Lounge
I'm not sure what ratings on web indexes are. Luke would know.

Well, I've never hit my thumb with a hammer but I've cut my leg with a saw when trying to saw wood (fortunately it wasn't a power saw) using my foot to hold the wood down. I used the wrong saw. I often prick myself on a hook when I'm fishing in the morning 'cause my hands are numb and a bit clumsy ('cause they're numb)

When I do hurt myself, I don't yell out or anything. I just give a little grunt. Kind of a silent "mmmph" sound.

When I make a mistake (mainly when I break a string or saw something off the line), I do utter an "oh [email protected]".


  • edited December 1969
    "I think kyle was very rude to
    Viki while they were fishing.
    Even if she was cussing he was very
    narrsasitic and condesending to her
    when she wanted to spend time with him.
    He's very sarcastic
    He needs to be deprogrammed"

    I saw this on the other board and i do remember Kyle being rude and annoyed. What went on during that scene? I didnt agree with the way he said 'shhhhh' to Vicki, I was surprised she didnt knock you into the middle of next week! I understand the raging hormones and the need to be on top of all conversations but there is a limit.

    Another post....

    "The boy was rude and inpatient
    Doesn't thier religon teach patience
    and understanding. Isn't that what he is being tought????
    As far as the fish the boy had on gloves and it was
    about 2 inches big. There was no reason for him to be so disrespectful
    I belive kids are a product of thier environment and if you live in a open loving honest environment they will be open, honest and respectful to any adult. My two boys were taught to say yes mam,
    no mam, yes sir, no sir please and thank you and to respect adult
    They would never talk to an adult that way.
    they even open the door for me when we go places"
  • edited December 1969
    I'm not going to judge Kyle strictly on what we see on a TV show and I can't believe others can either. But what I do know is that "respect" goes both ways and is definitely earned. I do not believe that teenagers must respect their elders just because they are teenagers. Vickie was very disrespectful of Kyle's wishes in that scene. He mentioned that he needed to concentrate as the fish was very poisonous. She continued to make comments in that loud irratating voice of hers as Kyle worked on the fish. She didn't respect his suggestion to stop bothering him.

    Another example of Vickie's disrespect was during the "church" scene, where she continued to talk while they were meditating.

    There have been many times when I've had to concentrate on something and will ask someone politely to give me some time or space (which Kyle did initially). The mature, respectful ones will walk away or shut up, while the disrespectful ones get what they deserve.

    She was very disrepectful to their entire family on many different occassions yet no one seems to comment on that. So many people on these boards are judging people solely based on a TV show and they actually believe everything they see. And you think these boys have a sheltered life!

    With the limited dealings I've had with Kyle, I find him a mature, intelligent and very very polite young man. If the majority of these people had children that were even half as polite and intelligent as Kyle, the world would be a much better place.
  • edited December 1969
    Alright here. At the time, I was dealing with a fish that was dying and I like to quickly take out the hook (it was buried deep in the mouth) and put it back in the water before it dies. maybe some of the message boarders think a fish that small is stupid and worthless but that's not how I view things. And PLUS! . . The fish was a poisonous Sculpin which a sting from the spines inflicts an intensely painful, burning, throbbing pain, usually with swelling. Severe stings can result in nausea, vomiting, delirium, sweating, pale skin and shock. Do you think I'm gonna just gonna carelessly yank out the hook and risk my skin for a few moments of conversation which can be held off for a minute or two?

    I can't talk and operate on a fish carefully at the same time. I may have been "rude" (I don't think so. I needed silence and and I tried to quiet her down politley but I just needed to say "sshhh" to get my point across) but I did need to concentrate on the task at hand. I did say "just a second" and "hold on" or something but she kept talking so I just needed to say "sshhh".

    why is it rude to say "sssshhh"? I could have been like a true message boarder who says "will you shut the **** up you **** **** ****" at people! The last people I would expect to worry about manners is the message boarders. A few times I went on the boards and the let downs and vulgerness would make "ssshhhh" seem like an uplifting praise! They are being double-standard as it's said. They're making a mountain out of a molehill, I think. If people are that concerned with manners, what the heck are they doing on a message board?

    I guess it's polite to flame people and say "those **** are ***** ****!" as they say on the boards that say I'm rude. So if that's polite, that's what I'll say to the people who have problems on the message boards "Get a **** life you*** *** **** ****!!!*!" Ah! I feel as clean and polite as a rose. Thanks you guys for teaching me some manners! :twisted:

    You get what you deserve I say.
  • edited December 1969
    Actually, she didn't talk that much during church. She did talk at first but we told her that it was a quiet moment and she understood.
  • edited December 1969
    Kyle, I think you handled the "fishing thing very well. I sure wouldn't have had that much cool. as for respect, as dhardy said, respect is earned not given.
  • edited December 1969
    Absolutely! You hit it right on the nail as I say. Respect has to be earned just like trust. You don't give out trust. Right on! :)
  • edited December 1969
    Kyle, you were polite, in my estimation and as I see from this thread, in others. Vicky was the adult, she should have known better. While she seems very nice, some people are like that ... they just keep going and going no matter what you say.

    As to the Fox boarders, nothing you say to the loudest of them will make a difference. It seems they don't even need Fox to edit shows because alot of them just make stuff up in their heads and spout it as truth.

    Vicky seemed to be more of "city" girl, meaning she wasn't too into nature, so she probably didn't even understand what you were trying to do. But as a vegan, thanks. Fish mean alot to me.
  • edited December 1969
    Also, just to let you know, my username here is JustAMuse38---just cannot login
  • edited December 1969
    I'd have thrown the fish in her lap...

    ah. 'respect' one of my favorite subjects: One of the most overused, misunderstood words in the enitre world ('Love' is another). I work with young criminals, whose view of 'respect' is so skewed I could spend my entire career trying to straighten it out for them and still not succeed. I dont respect a half dozen people in this world. and I dont expect respect from anyone. I want to be heard, not respected.
    I won't 'respect' anyone for simply doing what they should do, for doing 'the right thing'. All humans should do that. I respect those who keep their word, who have 'integrity' (a term i'll get into on another thread soon). I dont respect someone just for being famous, or loud, or athletic...i dont respect someone just for being older, or because they're my parent, or my teacher. Those people have to earn it like everyone else.
    And I dont respect anyone who would hold my respect in any kind of high esteem. it's not that important, folks. Respect yourself.
    I respect Carl and y'all for taking this chance and admitting it was probably not the best choice; for sticking to your beliefs forever, and even more so now, and for allowing us the opportunity to share our views with you.
    But respect doesnt last forever, it must be continually renewed and earned, built upon, or it fades away...
  • edited December 1969
    I didn't think Kyle was rude at all.
    Jeez the Abbotts just can't win. If they are quite then they are called mindless, brainwashed robots, but if they show any other emotion they are called rude.
  • edited December 1969
    Ms. Frizzle:

    It is true! It is all true! See, Carl is a brainwasher, and a control freak and the kids cannot go pee without him. But, also, Kyle is taking to many liberties, according to the fox boards, and should not be allowed to do anything .... lol. He should be free, but just not allowed to use it.
  • edited December 1969
    also according to the boards, it's people's right to 'speculate' about them, including their sex life, & call them names, but "oh we're much too busy" to go on the family's site and check out their view of things...
    god, it's like being at my family reunion-nothing but gossip and low intrigue among the ignorant and evil. I wont be going back there much at all...
  • edited December 1969
    apperantly, We all are free, but just under certain conditions.
  • edited December 1969
    You're abit mouthy kyle. You should remember your age and to respect your elders. Period.
  • edited December 1969
    Fabian, I totally disagree. If you're referring to the fishing scene on the show, Vickie was out of line and EXTREMELY disrespectful, and Kyle displayed more patience and self control than most people (teen or adult) would.

    If you're speaking in general terms, I still disagree. You can't paint things with such a broad brush - it all depends on the circumstances of the situation. People should strive to be respectful of others whenever possible (note I did not say KIDS should be respectful of ADULTS - the age issue is, well, a non-issue). When someone needs to speak up, though, they should have that right, regardless of age. Kids end up being doormats far too often in this society because it's believed that adults must be obeyed/respected/etc no matter what.

  • edited December 1969
    Hey Fabian.

    I do respect my elders (not just elders, anybody [and also animals 'n such which most people don't respect.])and respect people who respect me (and I try to respect people who don't respect me but it ain't easy let me tell you). But that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to tell someone something when I need to tell them something. You are looking at it too broadly. Your saying that I should not speak up to elders because I should respect them. If an adult is driving too fast, should I be respectful and not say anything (and I haven't said anything when people drive [You never want to tell a cab driver how to drive])? I was being respectful by not butting in (as they say) to conversations or anything but that comes off as robotic. Why don't you just give me a list of Rules of Behavior? So much for "give those poor kids freedom and let them do what they think is nessisary."

    I know my age. 14 . . . er, 15 years old. You should remember that your view of the situation is too broad to understand what really happened. Open your eyes to the world!

    Believe me, I waited before saying anything (most of the time at least) and after waiting a bit, I needed to tell her to quiet down for a moment. Exclamation point.

    If you want it told in terms of kids/adult, kids should be respectful of adults as you say. But it has to go both ways! Adults need to respect kids. As I have found, You can't respect somebody who doesn't respect you.

    This is out of context but if you treat somebody like dirt, you shouldn't expect roses in return.
  • edited December 1969
    I don't want to get caught in the middle of this, but I think my brother is absolutely right about it going both ways. As I see it, many (most?) parents DO NOT respect their children. By this, I mean that they don't accept them as they are. Adults expect children to be "little adults." I'm not saying they should let kids do anything or give them whatever they want, of course not. But many adults do not understand what it's like to be a child. And then they're surprised why their kids don't like them!

    Kyle, your last comment hit the nail on the head.
  • edited December 1969
    And I don't even have a hammer! :wink:

    But yeah. You can't demand respect if you don't give it.
  • edited December 1969
    I agree completely with Kyle and Luke. The "respect your elders" way of thinking really throws a wrench in kid/adult relationships. Kind of like punishing or putting a lot of restrictions on a kid--they grow up like my aunt, who, now that she has kids, treats them in the same way. She often says she doesn't care if she's being fair or not, as she was treated unfairly as a kid and now she's in charge and it's all about her. Is it any surprise that her kids fight like animals, hate her guts, and that she's had over a dozen affairs in her quest to make life all about herself? Not to me, it isn't....

    In my opinion, it would be a lot better to teach everyone, regardless of age, to treat everyone else as they themselves would like to be treated, regardless of whether that person has earned their respect or not. Respect does have to be earned--it's not something every person should just have handed to them when they reach adulthood, no matter how vile they might happen to be. General politeness is owed to everyone--respect is taking politeness that extra mile, the difference between really listening to what someone's saying and being polite enough to pretend you are, even if you think he's an idiot.

    I don't think Kyle was rude to Vickie at all. Instead of politely saying, "Shh," should he have allowed himself to be distracted by her babbling until he was stung, and then continue the rest of her stay quietly resenting her? She didn't seem to understand that the fish was dangerous. I, for one, would feel like a heel if my big mouth caused someone to be hurt, and they didn't say anything because they were afraid I would think they were being rude. It would have been rude if he'd shrieked, "For the love of God, SHUT UP!!!!", but he did nothing of the kind. (For the record, that's what I shouted at the television during that segment. The sound of her voice was one of the most grating and unnerving things I've ever heard, and I wasn't doing anything but sitting on the couch drinking iced tea.)
  • edited December 1969
    many message boarders have pointed out Kyle's attitude from day one. oh well! lets blame it on editing haha...
  • edited December 1969
    Many message boarders don't actually care about the truth, they only try to find things wrong with others to make them feel better about their own miserable lives.
  • edited December 1969
    And again, here's a situation where this family is "damned if they do, damned if they don't." If Kyle stands still for 10 seconds, he's "robotic and humorless" - but if he asks someone to be quiet so he can concentrate on something important he's a "rude, mouthy teenager."

    If someone were to chronicle my days on video, I'm sure they would catch me being "rude" or "obnoxious" more times than I care to admit. And I'm a 32 year old woman! :shock: Yet somehow, at the same time this family is being berated for not being "normal", Kyle is being called out for showing very NORMAL irritation and frustration in ONE case.

    This isn't a case of "can't win 'em all" - this is a case of "can't win AT ALL."

  • edited December 1969
    Kyle's sharp. smart. intelligent. articulate. people are just mistaking those attributes. These kids will be very successful once they join university.
  • edited January 2005
    Those controversy scanvenging message boarders don't know what they're talking about 'cause the show was inaccurate.(and they are as well) Those Rhizopods make a deal about anything they can get their hands on. They don't know anything about my attitude 'cause the show didn't let me say much about anything. I know that if the board loses interest, some of them make controversy just to get the excitment. Yep, the one place to find trusting truth is on a message board. I can tell you just came from it.

    I'm telling you what's true and most people don't understand. You can't say disrespect somebody in hope of getting respect. It's almost like action/reaction. if your action is respectful, you will get respect back. If your action is disrespectful, the last thing you'll get is respect. That's why I don't respect message boarders or you.

    If you trust TV so much, than you must have come out of the twilight zone. . . in black & white perspective.

    I've given up trying to get you to wake up. You're hopeless. You and all the other ignorant fools at the message board. Why don't you rancourous coiffured old message boarding sows swing the doughnuts out of your ears and knock some sense into that dormant organ you all keep hidden in that rat's maze of yours!? All you bombarding nitwits have in life is a hopeless excuse for living and a TV . . . and a computer you use at the library to make your frivolous posts! You toffee nosed pile of tarts can't think for yourself and all group up into a muddle and throw dirt clods to protect yourselves from your own pathetic lies and lives! :evil:

    Now, who's up for a round of golf?
  • edited December 1969

    don't let these people bother you. They are nothing more than gossipers. They don't know the truth, don't want to know the truth and don't care about the truth.

    They are really not worth repsonding to.

    Plus, its in yours and everyone's best interests to just stay away from those boards. They serve no purpose except to make the couch potatoes happier about their lives.
  • edited December 1969
    Look, fabian, what are you trying to do? If you're trying to annoy Kyle, my hat's off to you; I was shocked when I read Kyle's admittedly rude response. Than again, I can't blame him. Like he said, the reason he doesn't respect you is that you don't respect him.

    I think this sentence may have contributed to his frustration with you. Here's what you said:
    [cite] fabian:[/cite]These kids will be very successful once they join university.
    In case you didn't realize, some people would find this statement to be very rude and insulting.

    As you sow, so shall ye reap.
  • edited December 1969
    "You and all the other ignorant fools at the message board."

    I agree. Thanks. You win?
  • edited December 1969
    What's the matter Fabian?

    Can't take a little criticism?

    How hypocritical of you
  • edited December 1969
    Hi everyone,
    this is my first time posting here and yes, I did come here as a result of watching that tv program, Trading Spouces.
    I was moved to check out the message boards because I was curious to see what the general American public has to say about the Abbotts and their "alternative" lifestyle.
    Before I rant on any further...I will say that Kyle was not rude to Vicki. Her voice and her view points dominated almost the entire showing of the Abbott family. I was dying to hear more from Kyle.
    After the first episode, which I watched with some visiting relatives, our family had a big discussion about the value of being the same as everyone vs. being different.
    We ourselves are a homeschooling family and on this level can relate to the Abbotts. It is a bunch of malarky when people accuse us (although no one has ever been brave enough to do this to my face) of trying to shelter our children from the outside world or brainwash them with OUR personal viewpoints. I couldn't program my kids if I tried! They are the most independent thinkingest bunch of critters you ever saw...and that goes for the 4 year old too!
    Luke and Kyle have been raised how to think. Vicki had a problem with that, as she is used to children being taught "what" to think. I wonder what they (the Lowes) would do if they were blessed with a quiet, introspective child who disliked such boisterousness? Would they try to "brainwash" him/her into being how the rest of them are? Or would they respect her/him for their individuality? Hmmmm?
    You Abbotts were a stunning example to me of what it means to live by your own principles. I thank you for this. What a beautiful, close family you are. You guys have my admiration.
    If we ever make it to Santa Cruz, can we look you up?
    Suzanne, John, Adam, Christopher, Kyle, Nadya and Noah in Toronto, Canada
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] dhardy123:[/cite]What's the matter Fabian?

    Can't take a little criticism?

    How hypocritical of you

    I'm not here to argue with a 15 year old kid.
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