To Carl about the money for a bedroom for the boys

edited December 2004 in The CenterTao Lounge
Spelling, grammar, do these things mean nothing to you people?


  • edited December 1969
    I have a question.....when money was given for bedrooms to be built for the boys I heard you say oh no. If your boys came to you and said they would like there own rooms..have there own would you respond?
  • edited December 1969
    My husband and I were just talking tonight about whether the money REALLY had to be spent in the designated manner. This is something we have been curious about since the first episode, as I assumed it was just a gimmick.

  • edited December 1969
    Thats a good question that I have often wondered myself susan. I am sure many others have wondered that as well. How would the producers really know if it was spent like it was suppose to be ?
  • edited December 1969
    When Vicki said that some of the money was to be spent on rooms, Pap did not sa "oh no" or anything of the like he said something like "of course" or something. Some day, we are gonna make rooms for us.

    I think they inserted the "it ain't gonna happen" part when we were recapping the week with Ma. That whole argument was about Vicki wanting to go gambling. They made it about going off and finding fortune or failure but she wanted to gamble and Pa didn't want to. So when we were recapping, he said something like "yadayadayada and I said, it ain't gonna happen."

    So that's that.
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] Tao Nut:[/cite]When Vicki said that some of the money was to be spent on rooms, Pap did not sa "oh no" or anything of the like he said something like "of course" or something. Some day, we are gonna make rooms for us.

    I think they inserted the "it ain't gonna happen" part when we were recapping the week with Ma. That whole argument was about Vicki wanting to go gambling.

    Thanks for enlightening the viewers. Fox is disgusting!!
  • edited December 1969
    I was on the lookout for voice overs and I noticed a lot of them.
    When Leslie was reading how the money should be split up and you hear Carl says 'Thats not going to happen' (or something like that)
    If he had really said that at that moment then the camera would have been on his face to show us.

    Gotta say that, Luke, you are a lot more polite than I am, thats for dag sure. There are so many time where I wanted to tell Vickie to back off.
    Unless you did tell her off, and they just didn't show it, lol
  • edited December 1969
    Exactly. We knew going into it that it was a possibility (we filmed in October, after the show had premiered). He never said that about the money.

    You're right, I didn't have an big ISSUE with Vickie's opinions. I didn't agree with many of them, but their her opinions and she's entitled to them. I didn't take it as a personal attack. We got into it pretty heavily during my drive, though. We had a good back-and-forth. Too bad they focused on the "forth" and didn't include much of the "back" . . .

    And, not to toot my own horn or anything, but even before the show, people would always comment on how polite Kyle and I am. Gee, I wonder why . . .
  • edited December 1969
    The politest kids I encounter in my life are sex offenders...I gotta take more time off work...
  • edited December 1969
    I hear that serial killers are nice or appear mild mannered. I've heard that some people on the message boards say that I'm a serial killer. :D ... :shock: ... :x ... :evil: aaahhhhrrrgghh! :wink: Just kidding folks! really!

    That reminds me of a joke: Police found a man dead in his bathtub drowned in milk with corn flakes. They suspect it was a cereal killing. Heeyyyoooo! lllloooollll! A cute joke.
  • edited December 1969
    well, I hate to keep bringing my professional experience into this, but it's what i'm best at...killers generally are the quietest, best mannered criminals to work with-it's like, they've done the ultimate act, what more do they need to prove?
    and you can't tell who is or might be a killer just by looking at them (though I swear I can spot a sex offender from a hundred yards away), anymore than you can tell who's 'autistic' just by looks (another claim on Kyle from the boards-EVERY teen I know looks like an autistic serial killer if we're going solely by looks)
    -I guess we're ALL potential killers...just as we're all potential saviors...
  • edited December 1969
    Anyone is just 1 second away from being a murderer or being murdered.

    You can't look at someone and determine that they are a murderer. There are sooo many people who look like murderers but are the nicest people you could know. There are other people who could be considered friends and loved ones who definitely have skeletons in their closet (maybe not literally :P )

    The point is, anyone at any time at any point in their life can be a murderer (just watch Columbo). But, most people aren't murderers because they have been taught to respect society's wishes, and one of those wishes is to not murder.

    It is like a rollercoaster. You know that something bad could happen at any random time for any random reason but you put your trust that the cart will stay on it's rails. It's the same with people. You stand on the subway platform inches away from death and put your trust into complete strangers that they won't push you over or that their cart won't come off it's rails.
  • edited December 1969
    I find the fear of inconvenience keeps me, and probably many others, from killing more people-that, and the loss of control and boredom that is the modern court and prison system...somewhere in there might be my love and respect for my fellow man, but it's a ways down the list...
  • edited December 1969
    Ah, the serial killer/autistic thread. That is the one that made me realize how crazy people are. That is the thread in which I was told to "shut up" because they just wanted their entertainment and they didn't care about what was true or not. sigh.

    I mentioned how awful it would be for Kyle to read that, because although we know those people are nuts, I know I would be hurt by it. Then, they stated that Kyle should not be allowed to go the message boards -- his parents should stop him from doing so --- and then, the very same person went on to say that Kyle and Luke had no freedom and had to do whatever their parents told them. I suppose it went right over their head.

    As a person who came unknowingly into contact with a serial killer and had a crush on him, I can assure anyone that it is not possible to tell by a look.
  • edited December 1969
    Also, I realize that Leslie had been away for a week, I think. And sure, one will miss a parent in that time. But to be honest, if you KNOW that someone will be gone only a week and that they are coming back I do not see why one is expected to drop to their knees crying. I mean, it isn't as if Kyle and Luke were told she had passed away and then she suddenly jumped out of the closet and said "surprise!". When I would come home to visit my family and hadn't seen them for a month or so, there were no big tears. Just, "hey, how is it going?".
  • edited December 1969
    Yes, that always surprises me too.

    I watch Survivor and I can't believe how much people can actually miss their families or friends. They're only gone for 6 weeks or so but by the way they are shown crying and carrying on, you'd think they have been gone years.

    I see or talk to some of my best friends or my parents once every week or 2 weeks but when I do see them its just "business as usual"

    And I also think it's better for Kyle and Luke to not visit those boards. Apparently they are not allowed to post there, so it's best they stay away altogether.
  • edited December 1969
    About Survivor contestants breaking down . . . I think it's because of how draining the experience is. All the Survivors say that it is the most amazing experience of their entire lives. If you read between the lines of that, you get the feeling that these people have experienced over the course of 39 days, in terms of emotional ups and downs, what they would normally experience over the course of several years. Plus, you have to experience all that emotional turmoil without the comfort of anyone you know or can trust. So when they finally see a loved one, they might as well have been gone for years.
  • edited December 1969
    I'm sure you are right Luke but alot of people tell me that I am emotionless so maybe it's just me? :wink:
  • edited December 1969
    After Survivor, sure ... I would be crying too lol. Well, Maybe I would cry then if I had another parent for a week .... I would cry with relief.
  • edited December 1969
    My main problem with sharing a bedroom or any other space, is i have a great need for 'a place for my stuff' (as george carlin said)-I need MY area-I understand that most 'stuff'is unnecceassary & I'm slowly scaling back, trying to get more comfortable psychologically instead of depending on 'things'... but even the basics take up space and if i had to share a room with 3 people it'd get pretty cramped...

    Luckily I've seldom had to share a bed room much- i need my room, to be able to go in and shut the door...

    I have piles and areas all over my house and at work which everyone knows not to mess with-alot of this arises from moving so much as a child, being uprooted constantly-i have to know where MY stuff is, that it'll be there if I need it...imagine it's different, more secure, with y'all living in the same house & town your whole life (a world i cant even conceive)...

    Sure you have places that are just 'yours' and everyone knows & respects that...imagine that's one reason kyle fishes, & carl has his lair...
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