
edited December 2004 in The CenterTao Lounge
I know y'all must encounter daunting amounts of criticism, living in ways that seem strange to your neighbors (or at least to people who are reading/writing to this message board). But I believe the poster who asked about the sexual issues surrounding the family bed was curious. Why would honest curiosity and attempted understanding bug you so much? I don't think a family bed is bad, and I'm not criticizing, it's just something i've never thought about is all. If it's the first time you've come across a concept, you are bound to be curious about its execution. I think you should have answered her/him! The person didn't seem hostile, just curious. I hope someone here will think about responding thoughtfully to that person's honest inquiry.

P.S. We don't have a family bed - our children are 7 and 13, and so it may be too late to introduce it - but my husband and I have extremely differing clocks. He's a morning person and I'm a night person. We rarely, if ever, get intimate at bed time. And we do get intimate pertty frequently, but also we're physically close without taking our clothes off. We talk a lot more than most people who've been married as long as we have, but also sometimes go hours without speaking (he hates 'puters and I'm attached to mine like it's one of myh children). Where there's a will, there's a way, but if you're THAT driven, so that it's ALL you think about, then you're not getting close for the right reasons anyway.

Thanks, and God (as you understand him/her) bless!

P.S. I'm having trouble with the font and size. Is it me, and I need to set something differntly, or have y'all adjusted somehow, LOL?


  • edited December 1969
    'Modesty is only for those who have much to be modest about'
    -Clifton webb 'Sitting Pretty

    What are your thoughts on modesty-where does it fit into the taoist mindset? Is it ego to be modest, as if you have something noone else does? Is it worse to hide what you know or speak up and the fates be damned?
    I'm fairly smart, and not afraid to blow my own horn. For years, I 'played dumb' to fit in with the crowd I chose to be with. I didnt read, or think much. This was killing me more than the booze and drugs. I wouldn't correct anyone even when i knew they were wrong, I'd seldom add anything deeper to a conversation than a belch...i wasnt being true to myself.
    Now, I'm not suggesting i'm a genius-what i dont know fills several libraries, but at least i'm trying...and I'm not overbearing. I mainly try to guide people into thinking for themselves outside the mainstream...
    When modesty is mentioned, most think of physical modesty-I'm naturally shy, withdrawn and quiet-yet i'm also a nudist and spent 5 years acting on do i reconcile these 2 halves of my personality? Well, I'm not an exhibitionist (I won't even wear shorts in public), and I don't take out billboards with my picture on them... I might start a website proclaiming my greatness, but that's be tongue in cheek, (and besides it's already been done...)
    Can these parts coexist? I guess so, since they do in me...
    So again, I ask, should modesty exist or is it just more phoniness?
  • edited December 1969
    In re reading this, i'm not sure i got my question across, even to myslef-nobodys answered yet and thats fine, alot of what I write i just need to get down on paper and see it for myself, thinking our loud of a sort-

    in Buddhism there are two schools of thought: Mahayana or 'big raft' which deals with man's involvement with others, and Theravada or 'little raft ' which centers on man as an indiviual. One believes in spreading 'the faith', the other is concerned with finding the faith within yourself.
    Wondering if theres sismlar distinctions in Taoism....

    I'm more of a keep it to myself type of person, but once in a while i feel the need to share what i know, or think i know...and I'm always glad when others share as well, even if I disagree-especially, probably, if i disagree...
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