Goodness, as Buddy1 says, you're forcing me to think... Fortunately it's a pastime I enjoy, except when I'm looking for inner silence of course.
#1 I've notice that "a gentle
question turns away wrath".
#2 In the eyes of a fool, the wisdom is silly. In the eyes of the wise, a fool is where he (the wise man) was yesterday.
#3 Well, in the Taoist view, Nature is neither wicked nor good. On the other hand, [chref=2]the whole world recognizes the good as the good, yet this is only the bad.[/chref] So, we in our affairs by 'creating'
good end up with an equal measure of
bad. As to the LORD, I find this view calming, [chref=4]Darkly visible, it only seems as if it were there. I know not whose son it is. It images the forefather of God. [/chref]
#4 My thoughts on
#3 may apply to this one as well.
I suppose if I consider your 4 quote with my 4 responses I'd have to say Taoism certainly conveys another way of looking at such issues. The view that make you feel most comfortable is the one you'll turn to. I don't see either as being 'right' or 'wrong', for those are but two sides of that same old coin.
Time for some shut eye. (darn, there's no "I'm tired" Emoticon)
This site has been very dissapointing.
What exactly were you expecting to see, Christine?
Soft spoken
If I wanted to hear a smart mouth I would plow down my 16 yr.old sons room and confront him with his crapy grades.
I am not sure that what I expected was rational but I sure was impressed with the (different) way your family lived,a breath of fresh air.
From a tired mom of 3 a spell checker would be nice
On one hand, some of these people on the boards make such a big deal about how Kyle and I are brainwashed, how we can't think for ourselves, but have to ask Papa for advice before we do anything, blah blah blah . . . basically how we are so NOT normal!
On the other hand, they make such a big fuss about Kyle's (playful) arrogance on his web site!!! Doesn't that behavior -- something the rest of us don't share (much) -- make him more individualistic? Doesn't that make him more normal? Many teenagers my age would be far more arrogant and rude . . . and MEAN it! Doesn't anything in that direction make Kyle MORE normal?
This is so crazy. :roll:
Please don't take this personally, everybody...
Christine, I don't mean to be smart/fresh or anything but I couldn't help but notice you misspelled 'crapy.' (I believe it's spelled crappy). Just a friendly reminder
I'm sorry that you don't like us but to be realistic, nobody can please everybody.
Actually, I can't speak for myself, but all of our friends are always telling my parents how kind and considerate Kyle and I are. And if you look at non-discussion areas of my site(s) (like you won't find any arrogance (I hope not!). Yes, I have been a bit of a smart-alec on these boards, but honestly it's all in jest, and if you were just mis-represented on national TV you'd want to let off a little steam too!
Also, you mean a spell checker for That would be a good idea. I will look into it. Thanks.
I actually don't get that impression. Since you and I came off on the show as really quiet and introverted, she wasn't prepared for your edgy humor or sharp remarks. Which is interesting, since many people on those message boards would be relieved to find out you're not a robot!
Hey! I'm not getting down on it. I told her that I make plenty of mistakes. I thought she would appreciate me letting her know that she made a typo. I meant no offense what-so-ever and if I did, I apoligize.
And I'm not edgy in person!
I being a fan of the show and then becomeing a fan of you and your different way of living.It takes a strong person to be different!!
You have assumed that I think the same of others(brainwash,robot)
I never said or implied I felt this way.
I came here as a fan and leave dissapointed.I came here to get to know you
That is as honest as I can get
I did not come here to be corrected about spelling.
(I thought different,right or wrong I thought different)
I wish you the best of luck!!
And now you have. What more could you ask for?
I did not say at all that you thought what they thought.
Same here! Good luck Christine.
Take it easy,
Well Thank you
I think your right,I don't think I took enough consideration of what you might be hearing from others.You want to scream the truth but you can't change their minds.Very frustrating.
I think your dad is very loving and your Mom looks so beautiful as a natural woman.
Of 2 Bed so's I can git up wit mi kids!!!
I hope to talk to you again.
And to Buddy,why so grouchy?
I bet if you put some clothes on you would feel better.Some parts of a mans body just should NOT get cold. :?
But of course, this comes from Tv.