From ancient times to the present, people have referred to ‘the grace of God’, ‘the will of Allah’, ‘the Way’, or miscellaneous spirits, as the ultimate governing entity in their lives. How about appointing biology as the intermediary between all of us and the ‘higher power’ of our choosing? Doing so would bring a touch of pseudo ecumenical unity to the brotherhood of man, by leaving one’s favorite [chref=1]name[/chref] for the mystery out of the picture.
The unity in this is derived from the fact that biology leaves a trail of observable and testable evidence regarding its all encompassing influence on life. Biology controls the nuts and bolts of life completely. Many now accept the evidence for this; another few hundred years, give or take, should see most everyone on board. We are currently at the place where folks like Galileo were five hundred years ago vis-Ã -vis the physical sciences... and sure, there will always be a few ‘flat earthers’ no matter what.
Of course, accepting the ultimate primal hold biology (nature) has on us is a bigger blow to the human ego than accepting that the earth rotated around the sun. Still, I reckon the acceptance is inevitable, though I won’t hold my breath.
Ancient core observations, e.g., Christ on passing judgment, Buddha’s Four Noble Truths, chapter one of the Tao Te Ching, the Bhagavad-Gita, etc., are all [chref=70]very easy to understand[/chref] regardless of how they are stated, yet who truly understands them, let alone [chref=70]puts them into practice[/chref]? Isn’t a major part of ‘understanding’ really about emotionally accepting the simple view those ancient words express? Only when I am ready to emotionally [chref=61]take the lower position[/chref] and accept these can I begin to live and breath them (fortunately [chref=17]'It happens to us naturally.' [/chref]).
For example, Buddha said in his second truth that “the illusion of self originates and manifests itself in a cleaving to things”. I’ve seen this worded and reworded various ways over four decades now. Only a few years ago did I really begin to accept the principle deeply enough to actually begin to understand it and slooowly begin putting it into practice. My intellect always understood, liked and accepted the idea. I just couldn’t accept it emotionally until… I could begin to. It is in deep emotional acceptance that understanding rests. Everything else is simply the words and speech of wishful thinking (sure, like I’m doing right now :roll: ).
My intellect cleverly rationalizes and obfuscates issues, and provides me inviting [chref=53]by-paths[/chref] around emotional acceptance until I am mature enough to begin to emotionally accept/understand what has all along been clearly obvious. And how do I speed up my journey toward [chref=51]maturity[/chref] in order to arrive ‘there’ sooner? Why, by using my free will and choosing to, of course.