Chapter 73

People tend to view animal as a putdown, as a lesser state. Yet animals are as graceful, feeling, and worthy of respect as humans, and in many cases more so. I feel no denigration when referred to as having 'animal spirit'. indeed that's a copmpliment-think comic books: quite often when a person gains 'super powers', beyond that of their ordinary human state, they are those of an animal...


  • edited December 1969
    Based on Carl's Commentary, it appears that timid means cowardly. Can it mean meek instead, as in humble and kind? What are your thoughts?

    He who is fearless in being bold will meet with his death;
    He who is fearless in being timid will stay alive.
    Of the two, one leads to good, the other to harm.
  • edited December 1969
    This is tricky. It?s always a stretch to comment on a chapter originally, but now to comment on my comment? Well, let me attempt it. First, I'll quote my original comment:
    I know the quality of my timidity by whether I'm being brave and facing life or being cowardly and trying to avoid it. When I'm brave, yet [chref=15]tentative, as if fording a river in winter[/chref] I'm trying to act from [chref=16]knowledge of the constant[/chref]. It is not my actions, but the attitude from where those actions originate that matter. So often we judge the books by their covers.

    I'm saying that timidity can not be judged from the outside. My actions may appear bold, yet originate from a place of profound timidity in the Taoist sense, i.e., [chref=15]tentative, as if fording a river in winter[/chref]. One another hand, my actions may appear bold, and yet be springing from cowardice and fear of taking the lower position and losing that to which I cling.

    Likewise, the same dynamic applies to when my actions appear timid. This can originate from Christ's "the meek (timid) shall inherit the earth", or from fear of loss of what ever it is to which I'm clinging. Clinging can cause either boldness or timidness. Thus, judging externals is futile in the end. What I really end up with is a reflection of my own bias which mirrors my inner-most fears and needs. To quote Christ again, "Judge not least thee be judged".

    In short, timidity can originate from either cowardice (fear) or bravery (acceptance of how things are). I can't judge by the action that I see. I can only look within to know.

    whew :!:
  • edited December 1969
    I tend to define 'timid' more as cautious, rather than meek or seems to suggest assuming and planning on the side of caution. and this is very neccessary in life. Tentative fits it very well...many who appear 'brave and fearless' are actually more scared, and certainly more foolish, than those who appear timid...
  • edited December 1969
    Thanks for answering,

    Along with the scriptures you referred to I was thinking about, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1 I found that there is some consistancy with your own passages. Here are some more from the same chapter:

    1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

    2 The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.

    3 The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

    4 The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.

    What Luke told me in a private IM is that Taoists states thruths. What I want to know is what do you think of these from a Tao point of view?
  • edited December 1969
    Goodness, as Buddy1 says, you're forcing me to think... Fortunately it's a pastime I enjoy, except when I'm looking for inner silence of course.

    #1 I've notice that "a gentle question turns away wrath".
    #2 In the eyes of a fool, the wisdom is silly. In the eyes of the wise, a fool is where he (the wise man) was yesterday.
    #3 Well, in the Taoist view, Nature is neither wicked nor good. On the other hand, [chref=2]the whole world recognizes the good as the good, yet this is only the bad.[/chref] So, we in our affairs by 'creating' good end up with an equal measure of bad. As to the LORD, I find this view calming, [chref=4]Darkly visible, it only seems as if it were there. I know not whose son it is. It images the forefather of God. [/chref]
    #4 My thoughts on #3 may apply to this one as well.

    I suppose if I consider your 4 quote with my 4 responses I'd have to say Taoism certainly conveys another way of looking at such issues. The view that make you feel most comfortable is the one you'll turn to. I don't see either as being 'right' or 'wrong', for those are but two sides of that same old coin.

    Time for some shut eye. (darn, there's no "I'm tired" Emoticon)
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