Does God Exist?

Hi Magenta,

Are there any online translators you recommend which show various English words for each Chinese character?



  • edited December 1969
    I just heard how Mother Theresa had deep doubts about the existence of God. Interesting! But then, hasn't there always been a perennial debate on whether God exists? However, I never hear the dialogue get past the 'he said, she said' stage. Nothing could be more obvious than the simple view that 'God' is in the eye of the beholder, or believer. They talk about 'proof'. But, proof is also in the eye of the believer. If you believe the 'proof' proves, you will be sold on the hypothesis. If you don't, you won't, period... right?

    Isn't the question itself is fallacious? Perhaps instead we might ask, why do we believe in God? And the belief, I suspect, originates from our powerfully hierarchal social nature. Simply put, the idea of God fulfills the 'alpha-male' (or papa, or mama) emotional niche within us all. Whether we fill it with 'God' or not depends on how comfortable we are leaving that niche [chref=5]empty[/chref]. If we leave it empty, all we have then is an impression: [chref=4]Darkly visible, it only seems as if it were there. I know not whose son it is. It images the forefather of God[/chref].
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