in just the last few days of browsing thru the stacks at my library, i've found several different translations of the Tao Te Ching, with subtle differences in word changes alot. Just wondering what version or edition y'all use, and why? Any to recommend or avoid?
I'll be reading all i can get my hands on, thats how I do things, jump in both bare feet first in the deep end...
is a dewdrop world
and yet
and yet
(he wrote this following the death of his young son)
Climb Mt Fuji
O snail
but slowly
my backside warmed
by the wood fire
children show me how
to put them on
fly away quick
quick! don't get swatted!
fly over there
let it be
let it be! the flea
has children
the snow i hated
all at once
melts away