TS: The Abbotts were great!

edited December 2004 in The CenterTao Lounge
A good question? Really? I found it to be rather rude, and none of anyones business.

You tell em, Ms Frizzle. Moreover, you'd think a little imagination should answer their questions. Still, a person must be able to ponder things for themselves a little to even see :idea: the obvious. And we call ourselves Homo Sapiens sapiens... really. I wonder how humanity has solved this sexual 'problem' over the hundreds of millennia before we became wealthy enough as a society to all have our own little private 'sex' room. Our culture (and humanity in general I suppose) has such sexual hangups it's both pathetic and hilarious. :cry: :o We're so afraid to just be.


  • edited December 1969
    You can actually feel the love with these guys, Nice to see a family so close.
  • edited December 1969
    I agree.
    It's such a breath of fresh air to see a family where everyone is allowed to think for themselves, and not be forced to do anything that they don;t want to do.
  • edited December 1969
    Logging on here already feels like coming home.
  • edited December 1969
    You folks are making me feel more at home in my own home. Welcome to the extended tribe. It's a good feeling for an old loner like myself :)
  • edited December 1969
    Cannot...resist...Carl!...must...post...on...boards...and ...order cd's!

    I'm sooo glad y'all have a sense of humor and world view akin to mine.
    As one of my special needs kids at work said once: "life's a twisted ass river"
  • edited December 1969
    if you'd care to share more about it, i'm very interested in what drove you to write and send the letters looking for a mate, which is how you met Leslie, and what especially made her stand out?
    If I'm getting too personal just say 'bug off, buddy1'
    But, as you say, you're a loner, lifelong bachelor, and you were well into your 30's at that point-situations I share-was it a need to breed or some such-excuse the uncouthness of that, but many men feel it.
    Anyway, just curious about this fascinating social experiment that worked out so well for you...
  • edited December 1969
    Carl, don't forsake us. I know we get a little silly in this lounge, & you're no doubt busy elsewhere, but come on now & then & raise the coolness factor. Good to relax & chat once in a while...

    and I haven't neglected the 'deeper' sections of this site-for instance, I've been studying chapter 38 extensively and will post my thoughts about it soon...
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