TS: Congrats in advance

edited December 2004 in The CenterTao Lounge
i like all kinds of music for various artist.

Rock, alternative, newage, ambiant, goth metal, classical, ska, jazz, smooth jazz, techno, dance of all kinds.

I'll listen to anything but country, rap or R&B. Bluegrass is cool, but haven't heard much on the readio stations over here.


  • edited December 1969
    Just a congratulations in advance for your big time tv debut. Next thing we know, you'll be guest starring on 'The Simpsons' and endorsing Nikes!
    Hope it went well, hope the response is positive.
    Would like to read more about your Hollywood adventures, behind the scenes gossip and all that good stuff, and especially what kind of feedback you get-reading the forums on this show, it has quite an enthusiastic following (though that cajun kid & vegan mom are hard acts to follow)-good luck.
  • edited December 1969
    Endorsing Nike's! :lol: I thought of that too!

    Well, it could go either way . . . don't think we'll come off as horrible people because we're pretty easy-going and don't have an "issue" with people who don't live like us or understand us (unlike some people who have been on the show before . . . you know who I'm talking about). I'm sure people will come away thinking we're more unusual than we really are . . . but than again, we ARE a bit unusual! :P

    Either way, though, so far it has been a wonderful experience, and I fully expect a sizable fraction of the population not to understand us (not that I can blame them!), so I don't really care. (Although that's an easy thing to say...)


    Oh, if you want to read more about how and why we got into the show, you can go to http://www.playingbyear.com and click on the appropriate link.
  • edited December 1969
    If the TV editors are able to convey in the TV show what an enjoyable adventure we all had, this show should be a lot of fun to watch. We'll see....
  • edited December 2004
    People lie for one reason, to advance their own self interest. Most recently, in the lies propagated about us, the motive was profit. It's educational, sobering and humbling to see the underside of humanity so up close and personal.

    People who tell lies need to make a story out of reality. To accomplish this they take dramatic license with the facts to make the lie work. Meaning is conveyed by words. By rearranging the words someone says, you can make them appear to say what ever you want.

    Here are a few examples:

    * Liars who have recorded hours of your personal conversations and interviews can use dialogue out of context with the situation that it's purporting to address. For example, if on one occasion I spoke about space ships, a liar could take that comment out of context and connect it with meditation and Taoism. More insidious would be taking numerous unrelated sound bytes and splicing them together to have you appear to say statements which are the exact opposite of what you said. For me personally, this would be especially scurrilous in matters of Yoga and how I've taught it for decades. People have enough difficulty with self competition and self judgement as it is.

    * Another thing liars can do is omit facts or insert sound clips to paint the false picture they need to carry out their 'story'. Many falsehoods have been made about our family recently by others to maximize their profit. For the record:

    (1) We actually have about 6+ TVs (and 5 computers) and loads of coffee from Costco.
    (2) I've often said, "I'd sooner die than lose my integrity". I've never said "I'd sooner die...." in any other context.

    It is interesting how we could have had a such great time with an experience and then in a hour have it turn completely opposite. Still, that's reality's reality... the reality of our species, our culture, our 21st century rush to win at all cost... Steroids anyone?
  • edited December 1969
    Enjoyed the show, though I figured it'd been edited for dramatic effect (all of you coming up empty when trying to explain taoism...), and to play up your 'strangeness' (much of which i share with you..) every show needs a 'character', and Carls' it, i guess. They want you to come off as some control freak, yet you said time and again you actually give the boys more freedom than most parents.
    I like Carl's eyes-lots of compassion and sincerity in them.
    I take baths, too (why stand when you can sit?), and I havent had a bed since 1990 (currently sleep on an air mattress thats leaking, so by morning, I'm on the floor. My kid also sleeps with me (his choice), and many of my friends have issue with that (which i predict will be a main concern of viwers here-the boys having no room, no privacy-bah.)
    I wanted to slap that Tennesee daughter, calling your mom mean and saying she sucks. She looks like a real sweet lady, and I'd love to sit and sip coffee with her (thank god you have coffee, though!). The Tennesee mom reminds me of some late aunts I had, lot of fun, outspoken, but sometimes tiring.
    'He's flexible just not with the boys'-line of the show...the boys will find themselves when they're ready-they're lucky to have this opportunity to be with people they love. I envy that, not many have it.
    I have deeper respect for you all than before the show, and nothing that happens in part 2 will change that...or perhaps you're just brain washing me, Carl...LOL. Peace Robert
  • edited December 1969
    Although I never thought I would want to watch Trading Spouses, I caught your episode after listening to The Ronn Owens show on KGO a few weeks ago and Luke called in saying your family would be on soon. I haven't been so entertained in some time. I loved the contrast between your family and Vicky's, and as someone living close to Santa Cruz, loved seeing you guys doing yoga at a beach I frequent often.

    That was fun. I can't wait to see next weeks episode!

  • edited December 1969
    Buddy1 said:
    Enjoyed the show, though I figured it'd been edited for dramatic effect (all of you coming up empty when trying to explain taoism...), and to play up your 'strangeness' (much of which i share with you..) every show needs a 'character', and Carls' it, i guess. They want you to come off as some control freak, yet you said time and again you actually give the boys more freedom than most parents.

    Actually I think the "what is Taoism" scenes were just perfect! I could not have edited it better. After all, [chref=1]the way that can be spoken of, is not the constant way.[/chref].

    The "control freak" deal is very curious I find. As I said, "I never order, nor be ordered". What they didn't include was my following statement "I only invite participation... etc." That was the case when Vickie was here. I invited her to do this or that, and she did what she wanted, and declined what she didn't.

    Vickie (and my mother for that matter) feel I 'brain wash' the kids. I suspect they feel this because my boys aren't rebellious as are many teenagers in this culture. I still remember my battles with my mother. That was normal :!: So I assume that in their intuitive eyes this peaceful family relationship I have with my two teenage sons must somehow be an 'abnormal' situations that could only occur if I 'brain washed' these boys into being the gentle, respectful, hardworking, honest, reliable, sincere, and cooperative young men that they are.

    Oh my Lord, where did I go wrong? I see the light now. The boys should leave home and perhaps travel the world for 15 years like I did, or maybe just scatter off to various parts of this country. And, heck, while we're at it, I should leave here, which by the way is next door to my 92 year old mother, divorce my wife and return to rural Thailand where the folks are likewise 'brain washed'. Ah, then the boys would be free of ?brain washing? and truly independent. :lol: Sorry, I just can't resist being sarcastic. It's all so ironic.
    :cry: :? :lol: ... I've got to go eat something.
  • edited December 1969
    Since you all sleep in the same room, how exactly are your kids dealing with their "teenage urges."

    By the way, you should thank me for being so polite, because I do have a feeling you are about to be swarmed.
  • edited December 1969
    I think it is great that your family did the tv show. It's people like you that make life interesting! :D
  • edited December 1969
    I was very surprised at the reaction the Abbott men had to Vicky's suggestion of R&B for the party. Personally, I like rice and beans :wink:
  • edited December 1969
    I found your family very refreshing. I enjoyed the episode very much and look forward to seeing next week's. I also enjoyed the family folk music and the various interesting instruments. Thank you for sharing your wonderful family life. :)
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] Sonny Chiba:[/cite]Since you all sleep in the same room, how exactly are your kids dealing with their "teenage urges."
    good question!
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] Sonny Chiba:[/cite]Since you all sleep in the same room, how exactly are your kids dealing with their "teenage urges."
    good question!

    A good question? Really? I found it to be rather rude, and none of anyones business.
  • edited December 1969
    A good question? Really? I found it to be rather rude, and none of anyones business.

    You tell em, Ms Frizzle. Moreover, you'd think a little imagination should answer their questions. Still, a person must be able to ponder things for themselves a little to even see :idea: the obvious. And we call ourselves Homo Sapiens sapiens... really. I wonder how humanity has solved this sexual 'problem' over the hundreds of millennia before we became wealthy enough as a society to all have our own little private 'sex' room. Our culture (and humanity in general I suppose) has such sexual hangups it's both pathetic and hilarious. :cry: :o We're so afraid to just be.
  • edited December 1969
    its a shame so many think teenagers have to be a certain way because thats how they're portrayed on tv and in the media. and teens also follow these cliches and stereptypes themselves, because they're not taught or allowed to think and grow on their own...
    My favorite scene in the entire show was Luke sitting with his head resting against Carl. an amazing display of unselfconcious love and trust. How many 18 yo boys would do that, especially in front of a camera?
  • edited December 1969
    ...the trading spaces forums, and what a bunch of rude humorless jerks. Dont let them get to you guys, they're not worth responding to. Griping about Kyle's website donations, and spelling! Makes me WANT to donate money! Calling ya'll hippies, saying the kids are 'dragged barefoot to the street corner', ignorant comments about yuor singing and bluegrass (is that something they smoke?"(har dee har)and did they miss the whole point of the show, and the whole point of your site here...?
    Anyway, dont let this response make you chnage anything about your site or your life. Some people just have to gripe about everything.
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] Buddy1:[/cite]...the trading spaces forums, and what a bunch of rude humorless jerks. Dont let them get to you guys, they're not worth responding to. Griping about Kyle's website donations, and spelling! Makes me WANT to donate money! Calling ya'll hippies, saying the kids are 'dragged barefoot to the street corner', ignorant comments about yuor singing and bluegrass (is that something they smoke?"(har dee har)and did they miss the whole point of the show, and the whole point of your site here...?
    Anyway, dont let this response make you chnage anything about your site or your life. Some people just have to gripe about everything.

    I agree!! I decided not to go back there anymore, because I was getting offended and taking it all personally, when it's not even my family they are talking about.
  • edited December 1969
    'cause I know how rude I can get...anyway, i just ordered the 2 family cd's and I'm excited-I hope the next episode shows them playing more music-of course some dont think they can sing: they're so 'brainwashed' by the music companies and their over produced thin voiced divas, they wouldnt know real singing if it bit them on the ear!
  • edited December 1969
    LOL! Yes, talk about brainwashing . . . I think the whole society has brainwashed itself about . . . well, everything! But that's the thing . . . if you've been properly brainwashed, you don't know you've been brainwashed. :shock:

    Oh, and in case you didn't know, he's talking about this: http://www.playingbyear.com/AbbottFamilyBand/Recordings.aspx *cough* Shameless self-promotion *cough* :lol:
  • edited December 1969
    Very well stated in reference to society being brainwashed. When trying to "explain" an alternative lifestyle, many people automatically will dismiss it as "weird" or "abnormal." Of course, they are comparing this new information to the "norm."
    My partner (David) and I have done extensive research relating to sociology. Our primary interest is in the unequal distribution of goods (i.e. food, shelter, etc...) throughout the whole world. We are in dire need of a "new" plan! Trust me, it is people such as yourself and your brother, who have the capacity to understand the needs of our future! Technology has "evolved" to amazing lengths. However, humanity has in turn, "de-evolved." Which has caused "society" as a whole to forget how to take care of ourselves.
    The masses need to wake up and begin to work together in order to save our lives, our environment, and our purpose. There will always be those who choose to keep to their path of self-destruction. Those of us who are working for our future... and the betterment of society, are not going to be respected or understood until the day that those people lose all of their superficial comforts. I envision a sea of confusion.

    I wish you, and your family continued peace and growth.
    Take care!
  • edited December 1969
    thanx to four more years of Bush, we'll be losing more of our superficial comforts than we'd like, very soon. But can't blame him entirely. We give away more freedoms than they ever take...

    hey, a thought just occurred to me-where's Mama in all this (Leslie, is that her name? my poor memory...) havent heard from her-does she not get on the computer, or just not get involved in debates and such? Be fun to hear her viewpoint on things...

    Was listening to June Carter Cash today, reminded me of her...tell her I think she's a lovely, talented woman with a terrific family. (tell your mama that, not June Carter Cash, who unfortunately is no longer with us...)
  • edited December 1969
    my wish is your command-i see Mama posted on here-good to see- 'tao cow'-cool name. Afraid soembody'd start another conspiracy theory that 'Carl wouldnt let her post' or some such...
  • edited December 1969
    I was watching the Trading Spouses and I was wondering if you really were going to buy a mattress? I noticed that there was a fluctuation in the tone of the voice and assumed it was probably spliced in. Its a shame that fox did this.
  • edited December 1969
    Hi Luke,

    I think it is great (after seeing the show) how much your doing with the web! I was really worried for you guys after watching the show, but see that your doing really great. How is driving a car? Do you like having one now?
  • edited December 1969
    Put more up on your web page too!
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] Luke Abbott:[/cite]Endorsing Nike's! :lol: I thought of that too!

    Well, it could go either way . . . don't think we'll come off as horrible people because we're pretty easy-going and don't have an "issue" with people who don't live like us or understand us (unlike some people who have been on the show before . . . you know who I'm talking about). I'm sure people will come away thinking we're more unusual than we really are . . . but than again, we ARE a bit unusual! :P

    Either way, though, so far it has been a wonderful experience, and I fully expect a sizable fraction of the population not to understand us (not that I can blame them!), so I don't really care. (Although that's an easy thing to say...)


    Oh, if you want to read more about how and why we got into the show, you can go to http://www.playingbyear.com and click on the appropriate link.

    Nike Air Abbotts....the only Shoe THIS family will wear...
  • edited December 1969
    Only 2 episodes...oh well, thats as long as most British sitcoms run...
  • edited December 1969
    I have watched "Trading Spouses" in the past but last night's show had an amazing impact on me. While I don't like to sucumb to the sentimentality of some reality television episodes, I felt extreme sadness when Carl spoke about his brother. Carl, I can truly understand how the pain you felt over this loss has impacted yoru life. Whether you are a controlling person or not (I only saw last night's episode and you seem fine to me) you ultimately will not be able to "control" your children, or your wife for that matter. People are "free agents" and while a parent may wish to control their children and protect them forever, that just isn't healthy. Your sons will explore the world their own way, which may very likely not be your way! I have two sons who are "out of the nest". As much as I hoped to protect them from living the life that I lived in the early seventies, they are on their own making their own mistakes and experiencing their own successes. I wish the best for your sons as well!
  • edited December 1969
    Your reaction reveals your own feelings about your own life that you project onto the Abbotts. You were manipulated by FOX to think Carl was saying/reacting a certain way. It was a carefully edited scene. Think about the odd pauses, the clipped nature of Carl's expressions, the words that "seemed" to come from him as he turned his head away (they were added in when he was silent) vs the long, unclipped versions of Vicky as she eloquently pursued her agenda... Surely, you can imagine/see what was done?

    I won't try to guess online about what Carl actually said in that serious conversation with the globe in hand, but I really hope he posts it later. As someone who knows this family, I can guess the real content and it will bare little resemblance to FOX's version.

    I just want to say: There is no oppression. Investigate further, check out Kyle's website. He's hilarious. Do you realize Luke skillfully manages these websites? These are skilled, able, involved people.

  • edited December 2004
    Lilah, It feels so reviving to have such heart felt support. Being the loner I am, I've never experienced such open community support from so many kind folks. It brings tears to my eye frankly. Now about the GLOBE:

    I don't go anywhere where my children don't have an OPTION to go. If they have the option, they can take it or leave it. A stranger visited us recently and just couldn't understand nor accept that. Finally, the stranger asked if it wasn't something in my past that made me 'this way'. Bingo, of course, and I got down the globe which tracks the 15 years of hitching and working around the world - up and down, around and around numerous times.

    As I traced my journey I flashed back to the heavy tragedy - Vietnam, Calcutta, Ethiopia, ... to name a few places and also the beautiful simply lives of the peasant people I lived and worked among - jungle people of Borneo, hill peoples of Laos.... All this during my maturing years - 20 to 35. Of course it change my whole world view. And there was no way the stranger, nor many Americans, could comprehend this experience. But, my intensity of moment tracing the globe settled her down and she dropped the issue.

    Now if one were to only see part of that tracing of my life on the Globe, one could fabricate all sorts of fanciful 'realities' to fit a fictional storyline. Seeing only part of the reality is simply gossip, eh?
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