A Limerick of Beauty

edited October 2006 in The CenterTao Lounge
Bah humbug :P. Well not exactly, though many of us decry how materialistic Christmas has become. Yet, we give loads of stuff to each other, and still more food to our plump bodies. Is this 'true giving'? True? I knew you'd ask that. Personally, giving time feels like a 'truer' form of giving. Giving time to who - family, friends? Nope. Give time to yourself! Give yourself the time to slow down, [chref=37]remain still[/chref], and allow your [chref=23]natural[/chref] self to catch up to your ideal self. As it does, everyone benefits in the long term. And you will save a lot of money on wrapping paper and postage. So why do we [chref=53]prefer[/chref] to rush around and give stuff instead? Is that path just easier? :oops:

Anyway, merry Christmas! :)


  • edited December 1969
    As for beauty, I am no star.
    There are others more fair by far.
    But my face, I do not mind it,
    For I am behind it.
    Its the ones in front that get the jar.
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