How Can We Think 'Outside the Box'?

edited September 2006 in Tools of Taoist Thought
all very true Carl, I guess it's as Obiwan Kenobi said "it all depends on your point of view".

I've tried the same arguement concerning the Isreali/Palestinian problem with my boss. He only sees Palestinians as terrorists, I try to see them as oppressed peoples using the only means they have to fight back. I don't condone violence but I can see both sides of the argument by boss doesn't, he only sees things from his political viewpoint.


  • edited December 1969
    'Think outside the box' they say. That sounds cool 8), but how do we go about doing so? The key lies in how Nature abhors a vacuum. All we need to do is produce that vacuum, that [chref=5]void[/chref], that [chref=40]Nothing[/chref], and bingo we will be pulled outside our 'box' naturally. If it is that easy, why don't we get outside the 'box' more often? The void, nothing and death all correlate. Thus, we cling firmly to our 'box' of beliefs to avoid experiencing any 'deathly feelings'.
  • edited December 1969
    What you've said about no free will rings true when I think about:
    All we need to do is produce that vacuum

    I have found that wanting to produce that vacuum doesn't work. It's only when you totally surrender self that the vacuum is revealed -- as soon as "I" come back, it's gone.

    So, it's easy but it can't be done...unless:
    One does less and less until one does nothing at all, and when one does nothing at all there is nothing that is undone.
  • JoeJoe
    edited December 1969
    For me the doing nothing at all relates to turning back. Turning away from my desires, which are always trying to create/reinforce the sense of "I", frees me up to be more aware of the void.
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