The Illusion of Free Will Props Up the Illusion of Self

[cite] unclebob:[/cite]what is the difference in tribe and gang, as in "gang mentality" ?
None! Although, the word gang has a different 'air' to it than tribe. Tribe has a primitive, stable and family feeling to it. But, the instinct driving both is the same. Cult and group are yet other words. It boils down to the speaker's mind set. Take for example the words stubborn, perseverant and determined. If I am struggling to do what you want me to do, I'm perseverant. If I am struggling to do what you don't want me to do, I'm stubborn. If my friends and I are doing what you don't like, we are a gang of hooligans. If we are doing what you like, we are a group of civic minded citizens. :wink:


  • edited December 1969
    These illusions are interdependent, producing the thought "I will". It's like team work. If I think I am some '[chref=42]one[/chref]', who '[chref=48]does[/chref]' things, an illusion of free will quite naturally ensues, and helps sustain the sense of 'I am', 'I want', 'I do', or as Julius Caesar once said, "veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered.) So, Buddhist minded folks seeking to 'extinguish self' (Buddha's Third Truth) may benefit from checking out their notions of free will. Putting a small chink here can [chref=4]soften the glare[/chref] of the co-dependent 'self'.
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