Just saying thanks

edited December 2004 in The CenterTao Lounge
Just a congratulations in advance for your big time tv debut. Next thing we know, you'll be guest starring on 'The Simpsons' and endorsing Nikes!
Hope it went well, hope the response is positive.
Would like to read more about your Hollywood adventures, behind the scenes gossip and all that good stuff, and especially what kind of feedback you get-reading the forums on this show, it has quite an enthusiastic following (though that cajun kid & vegan mom are hard acts to follow)-good luck.


  • edited December 1969
    Really enjoying my first experience on this site. Love having an opportunity to show off my ignorance. These boards will help me get thru tough times-been depressed, boo hoo poor me, etc...by helping me focus more on the real issues, the inner me instead of the external. Does that make sense? I tend to post alot and often say nothing, or even contradict myself. But I trust y'all to help me on this journey. Never be afraid to call BS on me, or let me know if an issue has alrady been discussed to death before I got here. Sometimes I get to the party late...
    peace, Robert
    and this wide eyed guy looks like me :shock:
  • edited December 1969
    and btw, if anything i post on here ever offends y'all, it's not what I actually wrote-I blame the editing...
  • edited December 1969
    Yeah, the editing gets us every time! :wink:

    But it's good that you're enjoying yourself on the boards. You've brought some new life into Centertao. Before, Pa was the only one who made a lot of posts but you've made the boards more active. Plus, you also put some things in a light hearted light. Your a Buddy in my book Buddy1. Tao on! :D
  • edited December 1969
    I bring light wherever I go, or is it 'whenever' I go...?
  • edited December 1969
    I think it's both. :wink:
  • edited December 1969

    I too suffer from chronic depression. After many years of struggle, I am finally in a place where I can control it. It is possible, please believe that. I have used biofeedback (the best method), medication (good at times, to allow you to sort things out), breathing and relaxing, counselling, etc. Try as much as you can, and just keep going no matter what. The clouds do part.

  • edited December 1969
    yah, relaxing is the key for me-slowing down, making sure i eat, meditate-Taoism and such are helping, just need to do it more often...

    Real 'get on the couch and cover my head' depression only strikes me about once a year now, and I'm able to fend it off better than before. staying busy is good, but then like I say, I tend to over commit and get into things too deep-gotta find a middle ground...
    Winston Churchill called depression 'the Black Dog'...I like dogs.
  • edited December 1969
    This is a bit off topic but I've only got bitten by a neighbors dog once. Boy, he had sharp teeth. I've got bitten by our goose a few times.
  • edited December 1969
    you have a goose?
  • edited December 1969
    We actually had a goose years ago. It was a feisty fella and bit anybody who was wearing shoes and long pants (I wear long pants when it's cold). They're very territorial and started drowning our ducks in the pond (not on perpose of course) when she was trying to get them out. We took her to the lake where all the other geese are and set her free. We visited her every once in a while and she still recognized us.
  • edited December 1969
    Geese are vicious. I hear ostriches are even worse...I personally dont like any pet I couldn't eat, if push came to shove...
  • edited December 1969
    What pet can't you eat?
  • edited December 1969
    None that i've found, so far

    I also never travel with anybody I couldnt live off of if we crash in the Andes...
  • edited December 1969
    each time I log off here it's like a little death...
    i really need to get a computer at home, but then when would I sleep...?
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] Buddy1:[/cite]Geese are vicious. I hear ostriches are even worse...I personally dont like any pet I couldn't eat, if push came to shove...
    Oh my . . . I don't know about ostriches, but I've heard crazy stories about emus, which I believe aren't even as big. This was on our local bluegrass web site (not related to music, but funny nonetheless): http://www.cbaontheweb.org/cba_news.asp?newsid=1275
  • edited December 1969
    omg, thats funny! what are emus good for, anyway? food, fur, what?
  • edited December 1969
    What are we (humans) good for?
  • edited December 1969
    "What are we humans good for"

    *Future fossil fuels
    *Possible meat source for possible lifeforms in other galaxies
    *Creation of CO2 for plants
  • edited December 1969
    Personally, I provide comic relief for the universe. Much funnier than most emus...

    and I would make pretty good food, fuel or fur (I'm pretty hairy)...
  • edited December 1969
    I think without a good comic relief of chef, the world would be a sad, hungry place. Unless you can't tell already, I was just watching Fawlty Towers and eating a turkey omlet.
  • edited December 1969
    Are you a Monty Python fan, as well? John Cleese is brilliant. I love it in FT when he gets so frustrated he starts banging his head against the counter-I do that occasionally...
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