I often bring up the difference between 'want & need' with the kids I work with (special needs juvenile offenders). They're very much into material desires, instant gratification...I'm always trying different approaches to make them think outside themselves. Sometime I surprise myself with what I come up with, or what comes out of my mouth...if only I could apply this same 'wisdom' as often in my own life...
Today I conducted church on floor, and managed to combine Buddha's four noble truths with Samuel L Jackson's 'Pulp Fiction' speech about trying to be a shepard. It blew their mind, and mine, it worked so well. Buddah and a hitman! For many, their first exposure to buddhism (as one kid said 'I'm not Buddha!' (he meant 'I'm not Buddhist') and I told him 'we all Buddha!'-LOL).
I love Buddhism, and I love the opportunity to get to know taoism better-thank you for your help.