This puts me in mind of Emily Dickinson, who seldom if ever left her house, but wrote such wonderful poems relevant to the whole human experience. The only zen you find on a mountaintop is the zen you take up there. If you cant find peace where you are, wherever that may be, you wont find it anywhere.
This is why children are the wisest of us all-no preconceived notions, no expectations, no sense of how things should be intellectually, no sense that they know best. I always listen to my kid, get input from him. I'm not so egotistic or insecure that I wont take advice from a ten year old, though even at that age it's a battle to keep his mind pure from outside forces or others ideas, especially mine.
I've tried to 'teach' my kids to distrust all thought, i.e., thought as being based on language. The world holds such a vast repertoire of hypocrisy and wishful thinking, i.e., beliefs. I just point these out when ever I can and encourage them to look for the same. So far it seems to be working. Fortunately we can do home schooling which helps slow the cultural indoctrination into this era's politically correct 'group think'. It's ironic how education presents itself as a mind opening process, where in fact it tends to be a mind closing or a mind narrowing process.
Your kids seem very sharp-quite funny, too, which i've always taken as a sign of intelligence. Overly serious people are often idiots.
What first attracted me to buddhism was it seemed to have a sense of humor. The world needs to laugh more-I seem to recall reading that your guest 'Mom' described your taoist meeting as 'entertaining' or some such-thats the right spirit.