What is the meaning of life?



  • edited December 1969

    I knew that there was an additional good side to getting older - you realise everything that you don't know. You also realise that most of what you don't know is unimportant.

    It reminds me of my filing trays - the traditional In, Out and Pending.

    In contains everything that people ask you to do
    Out has everything that you've done
    Pending is what you're in the process of doing.

    Usually we get a lot more put into our In trays than we have time to deal with in the immediate future - so we prioritise and do the most important things first. What you usually find is that if you check down your in tray after 2/3 months, you find things that you've not got around to. My option was 'if nobody's asked for it since I got it, it was obviously not important' and I file it in the round filing tray otherwise known as the bin.
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