Meditation is simply doing nothing as best you can.

he and a few of the kids in the 'hood are barefoot all the time-this has gone on all summer...sadly the colder weather is already setting in...
-and we talk about what people might think or say, about bare feet or whatever, and he knows to always consider the source, take things with a grain of salt, and ignore them or tell them to piss off when necessary...

so whats your next adventure, nick?


  • edited December 1969
  • edited December 1969
    So then sleeping is meditating? I would add that meditating is simply alertness while doing nothing as best you can.

    That was the shortest post I ever did see! Does that qualify as he who knows doesn't speak? :o
  • edited August 2005
    [cite] Lynn Cornish:[/cite]1) So then sleeping is meditating?

    2) That was the shortest post I ever did see! Does that qualify as he who knows doesn't speak?

    1) Ah, but when you are sleeping you are not trying to do nothing as best you can.

    2) No, but it is headed in the right direction maybe... :wink:
  • edited December 1969
    I can't argue with that. I'm not going to get into what if you are dreaming about trying....

    Here's one of my favorites:

    Sitting quietly
    Doing nothing
    Spring comes
    and the grass grows by itself.

    The feeling that invokes is pure neutrality.
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