
edited July 2005 in The CenterTao Lounge
[cite] Little Dragon:[/cite]
1)...History, both personal and wider, makes a difference to an individual's world view. Although we endeavour to take a more detached view of our respective societies, we have still been shaped by them.

2) ...Although I do hope that you don't expect to reach the summit anytime soon! I have a feeling that we've barely made it past Base Camp!:

3) ... How do you remember dreams?

Hey, you didn't answer the question(s)!

* Do only humans possess this ability for free will?

* If not, what other animals are capable of free will. Where in the kingdom of life on earth do you draw the free will line?

Mmmmm? Do I detect puzzlement over these question? And, wow, such a quick reply. We usually wait months and months to hear from you. Like an old friend coming to visit. :)

1) Many folks here would get a kick out of you saying that I'm American. My mother especially! :lol: I really don't see any real difference between Europe and America. Heck, I see the only significant difference in how humans see things, paradigm wise, lies between the West (including India) and the far East - though even that pertains to the paradigm, and not the 'reality of humanity'.

The largest difference I've notice lies between individuals, whether they be Swedish, Thai, Japanese, English...(some of the places I live and worked). I found people to have two 'personalities', who they really are, and their social personality they express when they are with their countrymen.

2) Maybe we are at the summit, been there all along, but don't realize it because we are expecting the view to be different that what we are seeing. :wink:

3) I don't usually, though I find some of my deepest understandings :idea: bubble up out of sleep.


  • edited December 1969
    Hi, This is my first time on this site, and I've been reading a few posts.
    Just to introduce myself, My name's Alexis, I'm 22, and live far away in Sydney Australia. I think of myself as Taoist, I'm vegetarian, a barefooter (I read that thread), I rockclimb, play piano/guitar/sing, love the beach, go to music school, read a lot, write a lot, and... hmmm... well, that suffices for a general intro.
    Just thought this site looked like my kinda place
  • edited December 1969
    welcome Alexis-tell us lots of interesting things about Oz. For one thing, do ya'll like it being called Oz (easier to type than Austrlasiatia...whatever)...most of what i know about your country comes from Bill Bryson's 'in a sunburned country', and the croc hunter and crocodile dundee...
  • edited December 1969
    a) we're not all like the crocodile hunter. Actually, I think he's pretty unique, and most Aussies think he's a bit of a tool.
    Bill Bryson has it a little closer to reality... but a lot more amusing :)
    We don't mind it being called Oz, any shortening of any word is generally fine with us.
    Hmmm... otherwise, no we do not have Koalas in our back yards, but get out of the city a little bit and most people will have Kangaroos... no they are not pets, they break everyone's fences and eat their lawns, or they are farmed for meat, handbags, tourist momentos etc.
    I live in the city at the moment, so it's pretty busy, but Aussies are generally very laid back, hence the phrase you've probably heard "no worries mate".
    geez, don't really know what else to say... we have nice weather? It's mid winter at the moment and 22 degrees celcius (don't know farenheit... but that means warm). And 6 hours south it's snowing and -10 (which is where I'm going in a few weeks to do some telemarking!)
    is everyone else here from USA or scattered here there and everywhere?
  • edited December 1969
    Well, I was looking for a thread to make a post introducing myself... this one looked as good as any.. lol..
    So here goes-

    Hello everyone :)
    I have to admit, I found this site while searching for info on Trading Spouses. I missed the second episode, and was hoping to be able to watch it somewhere online... Any way, I now have no interest in seeing it, but I am extremely interested in Taoism.
    I don't think I found this place by accident. I have never known what Taoism or "Taoist thinking" was, but I feel a real connection to everything I have read thus far...

    I am a 23 year old, mother of two sons, who thinks too much, talks too much, and generally over-analyzes things. I have been practicing Yoga for the past few months, and in that short time period, have come to terms with a lot of my "true" feelings.. have come more in touch with my "inner self", if you will. I have been searching for a community to belong to that shares most of my general outlook on life. I'm not saying I'll set up camp and stay forever :wink: but for the time being, I do feel a connection to Taoism, and I'm willing to see where this will take me. :) I love to go barefoot, I love nature, love to watch things grow. :D I can be very opinionated, at times, and may ramble on (As I'm sure I'm doing at this very moment.. lol). Sometimes I don't use my computer for days then other times I spend most of my spare time on it.

    Well, I'm sure there is more I could say about myself, but for now I'm sure I've already said way too much... I look forward to joining in the discussions, and hopefully learning a lot, and advancing ever so slightly on my current path to figuring myself out.

  • edited December 1969
    Hi all, I'm new too :) I'm 17 and from Virginia, and also stumbled upon the website after searching through 'Trading Spouses' stuff... (bleh, I won't get started on how I feel about the way they portrayed the Abbotts, I think everyone's sufficiently covered it in the proper threads)

    Anyway, the show and now this website got me interested in researching Taoism. So, I suppose that's why I'm here. :)
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