The Benefits of Ignorance

I'm lactose intolerant. I never drink milk and therefore never spill less reason to cry...


  • edited December 1969
    The deepest ignorance, I suppose, is not realizing your own ignorance. Is this the 'ignorance is bliss' type of ignorance? If so, what does that make 'realizing your ignorance' type of ignorance? A type of knowledge?

    As I steadily come to realize the depths of my own ignorance, I find my own curiosity intensifying; I notice things I never did before. Yet, each 'marvel' I see becomes a testimony to my own ignorance, i.e., the fact that I never noticed 'it' before. It seems that the more I let go of what I know, the 'more' I know. Less really is more!... which is totally illogical.

    This fits right in with the complimentary nature of reality from the Taoist point of view. Put simply: 'let go to have'. Actually, this parallels Christ's view: "Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. This 'letting go begets having' is most ironic and so counter-intuitive. i.e., contrary to our instinctive sense of life. No wonder it is so difficult and takes considerable pain to implement!

    The last chapter of the Tao Te Ching expresses one hurdle that I face, namely: [chref=81]He who knows has no wide learning; he who has wide learning does not know.[/chref] I'm trying to get beyond my 'wide learning'. Of course it is all relative, which make 'learning', whether wide or narrow, a hurdle for us all. And that is another challenging thought, given the elevated near god like status learning has in society.

    It's a big step to take, off the cliff of belief's certainty into the deep abys of the mystery that can not be named. But, the plunge hasn't been as bad as it might sound... at least so far. My mental life is more peaceful so I don't miss Knowledge and the contention that can accompany it. Of course, I may just be going senile.

    So come on and jump; I'd like some company on my way down. :wink:
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