[Fixed] "551 Sender address is not valid" errors

[Note: I italicize phrases I borrow from the chapter, and link to phrases I borrow from other chapters]

'Because he does nothing' and related observations like, [chref=48]one does less and less until one does nothing at all, [/chref] are difficult to reconcile with the activity that life demand of all living things. I usually interpret these points as speaking about attitude rather than activity, per se. Deal with a thing while it is still nothing further clarifies such 'doing nothing'.

The more I slow down and begin [chref=40]turning back [/chref], the more I am able to deal with a thing while it is still nothing. Only when I'm feeling the [chref=4]empty [/chref] nothing of the moment can I [chref=37] never act, yet nothing is left undone.[/chref] Even though [chref=16]I do my utmost to attain emptiness,[/chref] I'm still unable to be [chref=1]constant[/chref]... of course. And, that's okey, but only when I [chref=71]know[/chref] it's okey. Truly, life is a most interesting 'game'.

Like any 'game', I have to take life seriously to enjoy it, but, if I take it too seriously, it ruins the game. Such a fine line, a 'Golden Mean' as Buddha put it. By being alive to this difficulty, I [chref=71]can avoid[/chref] much of it. Only [chref=71]by being alive to this difficulty[/chref] can I be as careful at the end as at the beginning ? moment to moment. After all, each moment is the end of all that's past and the beginning of all that's to come. Only in the moment can there be no ruined enterprises.

Rationally speaking, it certainly sounds easy to deal with a situation before symptoms develop. Maybe it is [chref=53]easy, yet people prefer by-paths[/chref], which 'proves' our lack of free will. Desire, rooted in instinct, push us to the prefer by-paths. Desiring not to desire and learning to be without learning helps. [chref=78]Knowledge[/chref] and [chref=81]learning[/chref] are as useless as 'trying'. Both [chref=3]knowledge[/chref] and learning are simply distractions from 'being' (as opposed to 'trying). The emperor really does have no clothes. :oops:


  • edited March 2005
    Several people have reported this error when posting or sending mail through CenterTao.org. I have contacted our hosting provider about this. In the meantime, if you're posting to a topic, ignore the error; it'll post your message anyway. I'll let you know if I come up with anything...

    [cite] The error:[/cite]Ran into problems sending Mail. Response: 551 Sender address is not valid for your login. Check your email program settings.
    Line : 142
    File : d:\domains\centertao.org\wwwroot\includes\smtp.php
  • edited December 1969
    I blame Florida.
  • edited December 1969
    Still showing some error message when i try to post-different now, something about multiple message...? Also earlier this week, there was yet another different message...please fix asap.
  • edited December 1969
    All right, so here's where we stand: I figured out why we were getting those pesky "message_die()" errors . . . had to do with the chatbox (don't ask). It should be fixed now, so please let me know if you see it again. As far as the 551 Sender address errors are concerned, I'm still waiting to hear back from our web host (accidentally closed the support ticket!) but inthe meantime I've made a little hack that should fix it for now.

    In other words, all systems are running smoothly (AFAIK, let me know if they aren't!)

  • edited December 1969
    testing testing 123
  • edited December 1969
    yep, working fine so far...

    well, long as I got ya on the line,mailed y'all off an order today for a songbook, etc-A's gettin' a geeter for his birthday this month...
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