Now, as I was saying...

edited February 2005 in The CenterTao Lounge
All my friends hate me, and I don't know anybody else...


  • edited December 1969
    ...before I was so rudely interrupted 2 months ago.
    I'm going to get back to posting like I was.
    I need to, and this board can use me, and if somebody doesn't like it due to jealousy or low self esteem or a gassy stomach or erectile dysfunction or whatever, well, thats too damn bad. Kleenex are cheap. Buy a big box. I'm coming back.
    But, now, I have to go eat lunch.
    Peace & love (or else!) Buddy.
  • edited December 1969
    Welcome back.

    I must admit, I'm a fan. -Nods-

    ~Trinity 8)
  • edited December 1969
    Thank you Trinity, a fan comes in handy on a hot day.
    I have no doubt some new jerk will show up, some johnny come lately who'll moan and groan anew about some aspect of my contributions to this board, but when it happens this time I'll try not to react so badly to it. Instead i'll do this: hands in ears, going "LALALA NOT LISTENING!"
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