
I've found enough 'unreality' on earth, i've never felt the need to go into space...the 'science' part of sci fi throws me off-cant understand a lot of the gobbeldygook mentioned in stories...

some star trek is ok (but none of the sequel series, especially the one with that female captain with the most annoying voice in history), and a little (very little) of star wars, but mostly it leaves me cold-I was 10 when the original Star Wars came out, and it was all anyone my age talked about-I didnt care in the least, but then i was a strange child (as opposed to the completely normal adult I am now :wink: )
I live in Oregon-these people are far enuf out in space for my tastes!


  • edited December 1969
    So I didn't watch the first episode, ironically I was busy filling out college apps. So is Luke planning to attend college?
  • edited December 1969
    Heres the author's (a well known Taoist scholar) take on what he believes Lao Tzu would say about college:
    "The next of your great troubles is education. Those who want young men to go to college are are like a lot of bandits preying on the land. College is a school of struggle. Exams are struggle, athletics are struggle, fraternities are struggle. Instead of teaching a boy to unlearn all the vicious competitive ways he has acquired from childhood, it reinforces them. Instead of turning his mind inward, it fills him with ambition. Instead of making him quiet and opening his ears to intuitive understanding, it disturbs him and stifles his inner powers. The factual subject matter of college courses is harmless enough, but the perversion of character by college life is terrible indeed."
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