Carl Letting Go Scene & Luke's Liberation....

edited December 2004 in The CenterTao Lounge
My favorite Abbott is Bud, because he was agreat straight man to Costello, and thats an under rated role...


  • edited December 1969
    That scene where Carl says 'What do i mean by integrity?' looked so cooked up. They added drama with Luke saying 'Clarify it for me! Is it that you dont want us to go?' FOX made it look like he felt liberated for the first time!....Carl says 'You're not old enough' Adding '18,28,38,58,68,78 is not old enough' Did you see how the camera made Luke & Kyle look so terrified? As if they will be home until they are 78 years kinda thing.......
  • edited December 1969
    Man, I hit the door running at 17 and never looked back-but thats because i didnt like my parents and they weren't overly interested in me...guess K & L dont want to leave because they're loved...what a twisted family, huh!?
  • edited December 1969
    Yah, they really put the drama into that scene. :x
  • edited December 1969
    Nobody mentioned how Carl is 61, and he's only moved next door from his own mother! LOL! Man, she needs to break those apron strings and let him be free...
  • edited December 1969
    Well, that was a very dramatic scene. I knew it would be in there. Actually, I thought it would be one of the best scenes on the show regarding this whole "spread your wings" issue, because we really seemed to find a common understanding (at least somewhat) as a result of it. They didn't have to add emotion, or drama, or conflict . . . it was all there, in REALITY! So they kept that, but then they (unnecessarily) used that scene to support this LIE they are trying to sell; namely, that I am being held back by my controlling, brainwashing dad, and I'm not getting the freedom I want.

    If only *I* could get my hands on that footage . . . I KNOW I could have made a really entertaining show, maybe even a better one . . .
  • edited December 1969
    Buddy: You are so right. I am 28, and live with---my two brothers, sister in law, nephew, parents, 3 cats, 4 fish, 2 birds, and anyone else who would like to come and stay. We split expenses, live our own lives, etc. Our extended family thinks there is something wrong with this .... I have lived in various places, but I love being close to my brothers and parents and especially watching my nephew grow up. I guess people are so used to wanting to get away from each other they don't know how to enjoy each other.
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] Buddy1:[/cite]Nobody mentioned how Carl is 61, and he's only moved next door from his own mother! LOL! Man, she needs to break those apron strings and let him be free...

    Aww...I don't see what's wrong with being close to family. They're all you're ever going to have in the future (well, maybe not in some cases).

    I've always been really close to my brother and parents though...maybe it's because I'm homeschooled and my parents brainwashed me! :shock: :D
  • edited December 1969
    My parents had no interest in me or my brother-no interest in any thing in fact besides fighting and hating each other-which they continue to this day, 40 years into the marriage...thats why it makes me sick when people condemn and judge the Abbotts for being so close.
    I'd have killed to grow up in a family like that, with togetherness, intelligent conversations, encouragement, spiritual grounding...won't take the Abbott boys till their 30's to start to take charge of their lives, they've been given that gift from the start...
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