Thank you all so much for your comments so far. I've browsed through a lot of Taoist websites and such... I liked them... but I'm feeling very comforable here. I'll definitely stay awhile. I'm looking forward to discussing more topics with you all!
Hello everybody! I am new to the site
Could anyone, please, advise if there is a lot of
spam and unscrupulous advertising. Can I trust
all this information, which is present at this forum?
Sorry for stupid questions, I just really want know which
information I should trust or even pay attention.
I know this is not a serious post, but to answer it...
Look all you want, you won't find any spam or anything on CenterTao. We have a zero tolerance policy with regards to advertising, spam, or the registration of disingenuous users such as yourself. I don't know why people even bother trying... it's not like we're a very popular site anyway... :-P
Could anyone, please, advise if there is a lot of
spam and unscrupulous advertising. Can I trust
all this information, which is present at this forum?
Sorry for stupid questions, I just really want know which
information I should trust or even pay attention.
Look all you want, you won't find any spam or anything on CenterTao. We have a zero tolerance policy with regards to advertising, spam, or the registration of disingenuous users such as yourself. I don't know why people even bother trying... it's not like we're a very popular site anyway... :-P