make a difference

[cite] Carl:[/cite]So what stirs our emotions enough to lead to overt action, or inaction?

I think it is the story we tell ourselves; like read "Old Yeller" and bawl. The dog didn't really die. It is just a story. :twisted:

We can tell ourselves stories that drum up certain emotions and then we act accordingly; happy, depressed, excited, doing something...

Maybe we can't "control" our emotions at all, like I said earlier, but we can control the story we tell ourself.


  • edited December 1969
    Hi everyone, given that knowledge is the acquisition of facts, ideas, and concepts, and that wisdom is the practical application of said knowledge. I was wondering if anyone has found a way to apply your knowledge and/or wisdom of the Tao. I'm thinking of things like speaking at town hall meetings, writing letters to editors, volunteering in the community, etc, I am not seeking to proselytize here, but I feel the the need to somehow make a difference. Any help or suggestions? Thanks :D .
  • edited December 1969
    I remembered we had a long discussion of knowledge and wisdom on this board and I (finally) found it:

    You might want to read it. It's quite interesting.

    I don't really agree that wisdom is the practical application of knowledge. Wisdom is more than that and comes from years of life experience.

    To quote the Tao:
    To know yet to think that one does not know is best;
    Not to know yet to think that one knows will lead to difficulty.

    My own personal experience with the Tao is that it takes every sacred cow I have and throws it out the window. Ouch!

    I'll let someone else address your questions about making a difference. I'm an avid non-meddler.
  • edited December 1969
    Of course you are right about life experiences, thats the best way to learn. Knowledge is much more than just books. When we touch the stove we have gained knowledge that it is hot. If we don't touch it again, we have gained wisdom :lol: . Just my thoughts.
  • edited December 1969
    I know what you are getting at, but your example is an example of instinct. You must admit that even a cow touches an electrified fence only once. Maybe by your definition, that is a wise cow, but it is only obeying its instinct to survive. Well, maybe that's all we do, too!

    Examples of wisdom that hit me are patience, tolerance, turning the other cheek (taking the lower position in Taoism), not sweating the small stuff, acceptance of life (and ourselves!) as it is. These are learned as we grow older, living life artfully.

    Not that I am any of those things, but I'm closer now than ever! 8)
  • edited December 1969
    Hi Lynn, great answer. Iwould have to say yes what I'm talking about is instinctive, but is that not what we look for? All the things I've "learned" is what has taken away from The Way. Maybe by returning to a simpler state of mind I may get closer? Just a thought.
  • edited December 1969
    Yes, I agree, the simpler the better. Alas, our minds are made for thinking and tend to make things more complex, not simpler. Mindfulness, staying present, always seems to be the answer, and meditation helps with that.

    Going back to what you said before:
    'm thinking of things like speaking at town hall meetings, writing letters to editors

    Can you picture us standing up at the board of supervisors meeting and telling them to do less and less until they are doing nothing at all? Or just standing at the podium in silence? :wink:
  • edited December 1969
    I hope you don't think all I do is agree with people, but yeah thats sort of what I had in mind :D .
  • edited December 1969
    Agreeing is good! I like agreeing! It's contention I avoid.

    I have the feeling that Taoists are non-meddling, non-political. (I know I am.) Taoists see both sides of everything; the thinking is that both sides are the same, so why argue? Taoists don't even vote.

    Carl says the only true Taoist is a dead Taoist, but I think he just said that because it sounds good and ... I digress...
  • edited December 1969
    Not to contend, but the only good Taoist is. :) If he/ she is alive or if he/she is dead. As long as he/she is, he/she is Tao :)
  • edited December 1969
    Or maybe a Taoist just is. Good and bad are the same, two sides of the same coin. Taoist abide in the lap of mysterious sameness. Hey, that's pretty good! And bad....
  • edited December 1969
    As long as it is as much "good" as it is "bad", it is in balance. And as you pointed out an accurate statement. Thanks Lynn.
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