Legal Warning Issued to CenterTao

Each week we address one chapter of the Tao Te Ching. Chapter 67 was originally featured on the 4th week in April.

Note: The Tao Te Ching can be obscure, especially if you think you're supposed to understand what it's saying! We find it easier and more instructive to simply contemplate how the chapter resonates with your personal experience. Becoming more aware at this fundamental level simplifies life. This approach conforms to the view that true knowing lies within ourselves. Thus, when a passage in the scripture resonates, you've found your inner truth. The same applies for when it evokes a question; questions are the grist for self realization.

Chapter 67
The whole world says that my way is vast and resembles nothing. It is because
it is vast that it resembles nothing. If it resembled anything, it would, long
before now, have become small.

I have three treasures
Which I hold and cherish.
The first is known as compassion,
The second is known as frugality,
The third is known as not daring to take the lead in the empire;
Being compassionate one could afford to be courageous,
Being frugal one could afford to extend one's territory,
Not daring to take the lead in the empire
one could afford to be lord over the vessels.

Now, to forsake compassion for courage,
to forsake frugality for expansion,
to forsake the rear for the lead,
is sure to end in death.

Through compassion, one will triumph in attack and be impregnable in defence.
What heaven succours it protects with the gift of compassion.


  • edited April 2005
    Received a rather disturbing email message today, carrying serious implications for CenterTao. Please read the original message:
    Subject: Trademark Infringement
    From: "Olaf P. Rolis" [Email removed]
    Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 01:26:43 +0700
    To: [/email][Email removed]

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd owns the trademark for the term BUDDHA and it has come to our attention that you are employing the term "buddha", or some variation thereof, on your web site. For example, on March 7, 2005, you were using the term ?buddha? at: to label and/or describe various philosophical concepts. It is difficult to determine if your use of the term Buddha corresponds with the use of the term in our company branding.

    Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd has enjoyed the use of its valuable BUDDHA trademark for over five years. Your use of the term "buddha" in connection with any products other than Buddha Air travel services would be an infringement of Gerber's Buddha Air, federally registered trademark BUDDHA. A United States Patent and Trademark Office website copy of that registration, No. 1,292,982, is attached.

    Please also keep in mind that Buddha Air?s trademark prevents uses that are confusingly similar to the actually registered trademark. Typically, confusingly similarity may be present in either sight, sound, or meaning of the term. Obviously, the sight, sound, and meaning of similar terms such as "Buddhism" and "Buddhist," for example, would also be an infringement of our trademark.

    We ask that you reply to this letter via email within 15 days indicating your written agreement to cease your usage of this registered trademark. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at [number removed]. Thank you for your cooperation.


    Olaf P. Rolis
    Marketing Coordinator[/email]

    You can see Buddha Air's web site at . I am going to be looking into this matter over the course of the next day or two and will be contacting them about this soon. In the meantime, I really do NOT want to stir up any legal trouble with this company, so until further notice, all CenterTao members are prohibited from using the term "buddha" in their posts until further notice. Posts that contain this term may be edited or deleted without warning. I will be removing all references to Buddha from the site within the week. Thank you for your understanding while we sort out this mess. Hopefully we can ask for a compromise, perhaps a legal disclaimer or something. I will keep you posted as the situation develops. :?

    To summarize: All CenterTao users are prohibited from using the term "Buddha" until further notice!


    Luke Abbott
  • JoeJoe
    edited December 1969

    Is it possible to see a copy of their supposed patent? Besides the fact that this issue is just plain ridiculous, I don't see how they can prevent people from using the name of a historical figure. Of course there are many websites already using this term - they've got a big struggle ahead if they expect everyone on the web to not use this term.

    Bottom line, I support you 100% in finding a way to get them to stop harassing you about this!
  • edited December 1969
    uhhh, not being a legal eagle, I would not think that they have a leg to stand on because YOUR use of the name Buddha is in reference to the Lord Buddha, not some air service. if this is true then EVERY Buddhist website would be in violation of this, and I know that ain't gonna happen.

    while typing this, I also remembered what today is. April first ??!! this could be some kinda strange joke.
  • edited December 1969
    Wondering why I seem to be getting and seeing so many strange e mails yesterday-then realized it was April 1st.
    No legitimate company sends anything of real import out on that date-wont be taken seriously.
    and pretty sure you cant copywrite a religious term like [Can't say that here anymore, Buddy1! -Luke]!
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] unclebob:[/cite]while typing this, I also remembered what today is. April first ??!! this could be some kinda strange joke.
    Wow, unclebob, you just might be on to something! On the other hand, do you really think such a well-respected company like BuddhaAir to pull such a prank on a humble site like CenterTao!? Doesn't seem likely . . . :wink:

    Happy April Fools' Day, everybody!

  • edited December 1969
    hehe good one :)
  • edited December 1969
    I'm glad reason took the place of action. My first course was to head to their site and see just what was up and why .. but not in such nice terms.

    Then it dawned on me as what day is was. You did have me going for a couple of minutes. LOL a really good one Luke.

    peace out and regards,
  • edited December 1969
    I. hate. aprils. fools.
  • edited December 1969
    Now that is excellent April Foolery Luke! My April Fools joke telling you and Kyle that your karate teacher called to say that your class would be held by the fountain in the Capitola Shopping Mall was pretty lame. (as you guys let me know) I know,, it takes a sophisticated mind. Mama. :D
  • edited December 1969
    Uhh. . . Thanks Mom. :roll:
  • edited December 1969
    [cite] Luke Abbott:[/cite]Received a rather disturbing email message today, carrying serious implications for CenterTao. Please read the original message:

    You will love this one. I created a website to publicise my coffee. It has the word Pele in it (refering to the Hawaiian volcano Goddess). I received a very real letter from lawyers representing some soccer player who appears to have decided to use Pele in his name. I never responded to their letter, because I did not have to. This Pele was around before their client. Also my site had nothing to do with soccer.
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