Hold a World Record?

I've heard this analogy. Imagine a stream and every once in a while, a little whirlpool occurs. The water swirls around and around and then merges back into the flow of the stream. We are like the whirlpool: we spin around for a while and then, when we die, the whirlpool merges back into the stream. It always was the stream anyway. I think this analogy belongs to Charlotte Joko Beck who runs a Zen monastery in San Diego.


  • edited December 1969
    If you could hold any world record, what would it be?
  • edited December 1969
    Most posts on a single forum, perhaps?
  • edited December 1969
    I would have the "watched Newton Lawnmower and Ultimate Chopper with Chef Tony Infomercials the most" catagory. I see the Ultimate Chopper commericial on the toob all the time. We have a DVD of the Newton lawnmower they sent us.
  • edited December 1969
    Largest, most intricate painting/mural
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