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  • BriGB, did you invent the word "inpert" or borrow it from somewhere? It's wonderful anyway, I love clever wordplay, so thatnks for enriching my life with a new word. On the subject of correlating scriptures from the various faiths, I've just fini…
  • Love it. With a few more of these, we could put together a modern version of the Chuang Tzu.
  • Quite so. Every time I wander away from the security of the tao (this is one way I think of it anyway), I always come back feeling like I've increased my intuitive understanding... or, I suppose, that I've expanded my own interpretation of the Tao T…
  • Evening. Just dropping in to say, yep, by-path, you were right, I'd say. I wandered around for a couple of days thinking complicated exciting thoughts, but oddly, the promises these thoughts made started to stress me out, I realised. So, tonight …
  • It makes me smile to see you suggest "it's just another by-path", as he's saying the exact same things you are, about viewing people from the point of view of the human animal, etc. Of course, it could just be that I'm seeing what I want to see, bot…
  • I did mean weed. Why, what did you think?
  • Thanks to you both. You're both saying what I'm thinking anyway. As it was, last week I tried to drop tobacco, weed and my ex all at once and I think I over-faced myself. So now, I'm cutting down slowly and carefully... in fact, insofar as it's poss…
  • I had the feeling there was something missing from my analogy, and I'm pleased to see that it holds together now you've added to it. Having caught his tail, the only thing a dog can do with it is let it go again.
  • Mysteriously comprehending like the sage you appear to be, you've picked out exactly what my current "problem" (for want of a better word) is. I came to the same conclusion, although not in so many words, that "a proper sense of awe" should be my co…
  • Cheers for that, gave me food for thought. Hello and welcome, by the way.
  • Thanks to you both, some helpful words there. Carl, I know what you mean. As I've been working directly with gain and loss in my own life, while coming to accept that they are inextricably linked, I've started to feel like they're not two separat…
  • I've got to say, I don't think I'd be a taoist (or even a "taoist") if I'd never come across information on it. I may have come to these conclusions in my own time eventually, as I feel like a lot of these ideas were floating around in my head. I ju…
  • I've heard an interesting theory about the dangers of the internet, or to be precise, digital information in general. Basically, we're living in a time where all sorts of useless information is stored indefinitely, rather than degrading over time (e…
  • Very true. The implications of Internet communication really make a mockery of most of society's discriminations, don't they?
  • I'm halfway around the world. I've gleaned from your posts that you're somewhere in the States, yes? I'm in the UK. That's the beauty of the internet revolution; it ceases to matter where people are at all. In the end, of course, none of us will lea…
  • Ah, very good point. I was so fixated on my squirrel storage example, I ignored the obvious examples to the contrary. Of course the current rising obesity problem proves your point. In my own experience, I know that most domestic cats will eat as mu…
  • Thanks for your comments. I'm not sure I can agree, though, that survival plays a much more important part than reproduction. Maybe I've just been seduced by Dawkins' strong faith in his science and his easy-going writing style - although I can't ag…
  • Thanks for your comments. Hmm... Obviously it's not that I want that type of relationship. It's the connection we have between the two of us, since we met, we've lived our lives around each other, as if always in contact, bonded together, I don't…
  • I have been having the same problem. I spent my christmas holiday trying to elucidate the ideas of the Tao Te Ching to my family and friends, and I found the more I talked about it, the more confused the listeners became. I found myself talking roun…