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  • Unfortunately, our so-called "normal society" is failing. Be wise and become more educated in these matters before you criticize. And don't forget, A bedroom door WON'T keep a pedophile away.
  • The key importance here is TRUST. If a parent cannot be trusted with their child in ANY setting...a door will certainly not stop any adult from abuse. Then that is the problem. As far as co-sleeping, it is the family's peroggative to decide what the…
  • Very well stated in reference to society being brainwashed. When trying to "explain" an alternative lifestyle, many people automatically will dismiss it as "weird" or "abnormal." Of course, they are comparing this new information to the "norm." My …
  • Hello to all... I am a mother to four inventive and inquisitive children. My partner (David) and I are their principal educational, spiritual and emotional role models. We moved to Tucson, Arizona from Oregon a year and a half ago, so we have all…