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  • Hi Lynn, I think this is a bit off topic, but reading this thread got me thinking about predetermination etc., which I am rather indifferent to as I tend to approach things with a more post modern perspective (not entirely though, as I find post mo…
  • Gorillaz are a bit too over produced for me. I don't mind studio editing etc. but I think they use it a bit too much that it takes over a bit... sorry... am not being too articulate today... long week. If you're interested in classical music, sta…
  • I don't really listen to bluegrass either. I play a bit of it with friends, but I don't actually know the songs, just follow what they do and sing along when they reach a chorus which has already been repeated 12 times so I can remember a few words…
  • a) we're not all like the crocodile hunter. Actually, I think he's pretty unique, and most Aussies think he's a bit of a tool. Bill Bryson has it a little closer to reality... but a lot more amusing We don't mind it being called Oz, any shortenin…
    in Hello Comment by alexis July 2005
  • but sometimes I think the expert driven nature of 'art music' as it is called, over complicates it. I think the better music of this sort expresses what you hear in your head when nothing's on the radio and you've put your guitar down... it's very s…
  • Hi, This is my first time on this site, and I've been reading a few posts. Just to introduce myself, My name's Alexis, I'm 22, and live far away in Sydney Australia. I think of myself as Taoist, I'm vegetarian, a barefooter (I read that thread), I …
    in Hello Comment by alexis July 2005
  • Hi Carl, this is my first time on this site, and I've agreed with many things you've posted, but some post 20th century music is easy, and although I don't know you, and have only read a few of your posts here, I think you might like some classical …