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  • Yeah, what about the one to come this January, i believe, Who's Your Daddy?, where this girl doesn't know who her father is and wants to find out, so they basically play it out into this big reality show so she can find out. I think the catch is tha…
  • 1,) Yes 2.) Yes 3.) No I think you should also ask the age group; considering I am 18, 5 years ago, I was 13. Of course I am more wise now.
  • Hey family, I posted somewhere else about :twisted: Fox's :twisted: ways of creating much ado about nothing (if you don't get that allusion, it's in its own title, so look it up). Anyway I was just curious about the contracts you have to sign …
  • [cite] Buddy1:[/cite]I watch news & 'reality' shows for entertainment, not truth. The 'truth' I get from sitcoms and cartoons...just as theres often more 'truth' in fictional writing than nonfiction... - I guess the actual reality is that …