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Little Dragon


Little Dragon
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  • Hi there Black Sheep If you are looking for another translation of the TTC, I can heartily recommend the one by Stephen Aldiss and Stanley Lombardo. I do have 2/3 others but this is the one I'm returning to more and more often. Nice to see an…
  • Hi there Karen. Welcome on board - the boat's a little tatty, and the crew possibly a tad crazy, but we'll all talk and discuss and joke until the cows come home. Look forward to hearing more from you.
  • Carl - is it possible that they just have more sense?
  • Buddy, hang on in there guy. I'm sure that once all the bureaucratic rubbish has been cleared away, and they "discover" that you're an OK guy and have been good for the kid, they'll start talking sense. I couldn't work out why this all started i…
  • Mike It depends on what works for you - I tried yoga for almost 2 years and although I liked it, it didn't do anything to help the dodgy knee I've got (dislocated my left kneecap twice, 6 years apart, doing Fencing (swords)) :shock: Note: my ad…
  • Carl/Buddy Thanks for dropping by - like I said it's early days yet and I'm looking forward to developing it further.
  • Hi all Sorry I've been a bit quiet of late - you know how it is life happens. I've also been a little busy over the past few days creating my new blog page. Carl, please note I've put this site in my link list. I'd be grateful if anyone who …
  • Each to their own Lynn. I find that investigating the causes of my insecurities enables me to face them and realise that they are groundless. My insecurities stand in the way of me truly knowing myself. For example, during my school years I wa…
  • If what we do is the result of our genetic makeup interacting with our current civilization then punishing someone for their actions is redundant. Ditto the death penalty.
  • As always, it's trying to find the words to express what I mean that gets between me and others. It's not that I lack 'curiousity' about the unknown/unknowable, but I can accept that I may not 'find out'. As I grow older, it is a matter of determi…
  • I've absolutely no idea what Tao is! And I'm OK with this - striving after meaning is something that we do as humans so that we can 'draw a line' under things, establish where things/events start and finish, when really there is no start and no fin…
  • Carl Just a thought - and I know that this is not perhaps quite what you meant by stillness, but still - even in those moments when we stand still, our body is still moving. Our heart continues to beat, our lungs pump in and out, the blood conti…
  • Not that I believe that heaven exists mind - but if it did as far as I'm concerned it'd be one giant library with every book ever written contained therein (and I would of course be able to read them all :!: ). I mentioned this to my dad once - he …
  • The other version of this is : the reason your parents can pull your strings is because they are the ones who tied them there!
  • The more you clutch at it - the more it slips through your hands. Our human tendency to try and pin things down, to establish 'facts', to define the arguments, gets in the way of this verse. We need to accept that sometimes there are things that a…
  • Carl I knew that there was an additional good side to getting older - you realise everything that you don't know. You also realise that most of what you don't know is unimportant. It reminds me of my filing trays - the traditional In, Out and…
  • Provide me with facts - and I may consider accepting - so far, you've got nothing! 8)
  • Buddy You've been eating cheese late at night again, haven't you?!!
  • Happy birthday to all those currently celebrating! And a very merry unbirthday to all those whose birthdays have either been or are yet to come Guys, I have to say, as an even-handed Libran, that it is entirely possible that Scorpios don't rule…
  • Buddy I'm afraid that I have a alternate contender for dictator to run against you - although I'm not sure that he would go down as a benign one. One of my colleagues at work, great guy, (we think he's joking - probably) maintains that he'll wil…
  • I was playing Devil's Advocate - just couldn't resist. This may come as a small surprise to you - but actually I do agree with your point!! So much that we do is a striving to find that perfect balance between all our worldly commitments - fam…
  • Lynn What about: My hat it has 3 corners 3 corners has my hat and had it not 3 corners it would not be my hat.
  • Just a point, guys. Please remember that, for most of us, purity rarely remains pure! Just as that lovely white top will always get ketchup down the front. Purity is a moment of poise, balanced between extremes, but it's exceptionally hard to m…
  • Carl I agree with you that once we start noticing similarities, they become increasingly obvious and more frequent. It's like when you buy a new car - suddenly every other car you see is the same colour as your one (I've noticed this particularl…
  • Yeah - gotta to love that fog. Instead of snow days, we can have fog days! Haven't had any really serious fogs this autumn yet - but I live in hope
  • Glad to see that you guys didn't do too bad with Hurricane Rita. Must have been a big relief. Although we get quite a few hurricanes in the UK, they're all relatively tiny and don't do such widespread damage. Speaking of wind - here in East Ang…
  • Buddy, I've often found that threatening to reprogramme my computer's major databanks with a very large axe has an amazing effect :!: If only on my sense of complete frustration with the wretched things! What you have to remember is that c…
  • Carl Just to pick up from the end of your last post about success and drive, the constant search for goals/achievements etc. This attitude has become endemic in our western industrialized society throughout the 20th century. Everyone must be dy…
  • So true, Buddy, so true! And here we are, doing just that!! :roll:
  • Hi guys! Good to see some photos to go with the names. Carl - that is one 'mean' beard! It's great to see people with beards - my dad's always had one - he wouldn't look right without one. There seem to be far fewer beards around these days -…