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  • Were you by chance in Katmandu around Christmas of '67? That's the only place I remember meeting a lot of travelers. I must have entered Thailand a couple of months after that. Running out of money, I slept on a beach for a while and then some ni…
  • I've only been living in Thailand for about two and a half years. So you know Isaan! My wife grew up in a village in Kalasin, not far from Yasotorn, really. We live to the west of there, near Khon Kaen city. I'm still trying to find my way aroun…
  • Adding my two cents worth to a conversation that ended years ago it seems: For me it's a difficult task to find ways of expressing experience with Tao in words. Recently I've been trying to do so and I came across this website while looking into v…
  • Hi Carl, Your image of the "ordinary pebble" is exactly right, I think. I live in Thailand where the culture is nominally Buddhist. Many earnest westerners become disappointed when they see that the ideal of enlightenment as a goal has all but di…