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  • I have 4 dogs. 2 chihuahuas, a shih tzu and a pomeranian. and they all think they have to sleep with me at night. the shih tzu thinks he is king of the roost and trys to keep the other 3 in line
  • Lets say america had no laws, and I got to make the first law. The first law I would make would be to put a stop to forigners ( spelling wrong I am sure ) from coming over here and taking jobs away from the american's. We have people crossing the me…
  • Um......To say it's not illegal to drive bare foot is incorrect. In many States ( Arizona to be one ) It is Illegal to drive bare foot, and if pulled over you will recieve a ticket for it. Happened to a friend of mine who constantley went bare foot.…
    in CAR Comment by msarizona December 2004
  • I know so many of you are going to disagree with me, and thats okay. I have to agree that Kyle was rude. not with just what he was saying but with the way he was acting, and his facial exspressions. Kyle acted as though he was being put out haveing …
  • Thats a good question that I have often wondered myself susan. I am sure many others have wondered that as well. How would the producers really know if it was spent like it was suppose to be ?
  • I have a question.....when money was given for bedrooms to be built for the boys I heard you say oh no. If your boys came to you and said they would like there own rooms..have there own would you respond?
  • Just finished watching the second half to the show. Carl...I believe I can relate to what your going through / feeling over the loss of your brother, and not wanting to let your boys go. my daughter she is only 11 years old. I have had a very diffic…
  • I disagree compleatly about you saying thats what reality tv is all about. It's about what FOX wants, and what they want is to decieve people. I knew they edited things, but not in the manner I am now finding out. This makes me disgusted ! They are…
  • My answer to number 1 is.......Yes My answer to number 2 is.........Yes My answer to number 3 is.......No
  • In the car when she asked if you had coffee you said no. Now......first of all....why did she ask if you have coffee at home ? Just seems like an odd question. and why did you answer her no ? and you and the boys even said you have no tv. if you ha…
  • My daughter is 11 years and I have slept in the same bed / same room with her sense she was born. I don't sleep in the same bed with my husband, and haven't for years. Sometimes I sleep in the same bed with her, sometimes on the floor next to her be…