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  • I love music which tells a story without words. I also love a lone voice joined by one or two and then later by a chorus. I love it most when it gives me a sense of community and family. If it does any of these it could be any type of music. I…
  • Chapter 40 Turning back is how the way moves; Weakness is the means the way employs. The myriad creatures in the world are born from Something, and Something from Nothing. Can "the way" be the "The Way"? Before the term Christian was adopte…
  • Thanks for answering, Along with the scriptures you referred to I was thinking about, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1 I found that there is some consistancy with your own passages. Here are some …
  • Based on Carl's Commentary, it appears that timid means cowardly. Can it mean meek instead, as in humble and kind? What are your thoughts? He who is fearless in being bold will meet with his death; He who is fearless in being timid will stay ali…