Hmm . . . I've heard that saying but I think it was a different translation.
The saying I heard was: Yo Mama's so ugly, when she entered the ugly contest, the judges said, "sorry, no proffesionals!"
Go figure. :?
I may be one of the only people who has never read or watched Oz. (but mainly one of the only people who's never watched it)
However, to make up for that, I've read the Dune series 10 times and watched the miniseries over a baker's-dozen times. ;…
I've played the Sudoku games in the TV Guide. That was before we cancelled our subscription. It's become too much like People.
Anyway, Soduko is tricky. . . at least for me. I've never caught on to it.
What's my stance? Show me the money, I'll show you my stance!
Personally, I don't see much similarity. Somebody said I looked like some lady on some TV show. I get around.
Next, people will see me in Loch Ness!
That's why I keep my karate bag suspended on a rope.
You're talking about a punching bag, right? . . or are you talking about a bag to put your gi 'n stuff in?
Happy Birthday ch'y'all! And just to make this all inclusional, give a rousing Happy Birthday to me too!
Hooray for Scorpios! We Scorpios can sting all the others who get in our way! . . Raugh!!!! . . . *ahem* whoops, that's just the Vycadin talk…
Hey Buddy, I heard what you said about the donations on your first post and I'm here to help!
Have much RAM do you have? If you have less that 128, I would advise a serious upgrade of that.
Hope this helps!
Tao Nut
The deed is done. There is no sense in you suffering over it; it helps no one.
That's exactly what I think about (not word for word of course) when I play on stage. I don't worry or fright when on stage 'cause I know that I'm doing my best and…
Oh no! I'm caught in my own web of lies! Ok, I guess I have to admit it. I'm Kyle Abbott all right, but I'm not 15. I'm 22, living in a apartment filled with sooooo much furniture, I can't move anywhere without sitting down.
I own the biggest pai…
Carl you are arrogant and scared. You keep those boys under a psychological lock and key because you are afraid of being alone. You discourage them from exploring the world through parental manipulation, and deep down you know this. You've got to…
Woo! Now we're getting some action! Buddy1 and I'll just observe (until we post) from front row seats with the glass shield to protect ourselves from any smashed watermelons. ( I have no idea why I just said that. Sorry folks)
We have a Kiwi tree…
Hi there!
Well, if people are laying it on thick for something that didn't happen, I get riled up (since the same thing happened to us). And besides, how on earth do you know the things on the Barb/Diana show actually happened?
Let's just s…
Whoo! Finally, we're getting some action on Centertao! I shouldn't get involved though 'cause I'm getting riled up and might say something nasty.
Welcome to the boards!
knows how to tune it, replace strings,
Wow! He can change the strings already! Good for him! Each time I change the strings, I need the strings I just changed to be changed. Same with tuning.
What's the previous box owner's mail like? . . n…
So, I've had some experiences that have triggered a philisophical (however that's spelled) phrase or thought that I made up. Here it is: "It's better to remember at the last minute than to forget at the last minute".
I find it's frustrating to fo…
Also, George Lucas will be on 60 minutes tonight (13th)
We saw that a few days ago (we record it and watch it later) That was an interesting article in a video form. bigger than I thought. That thing about using a complete CGI (I think) sequen…
The piece (or shard) of glass I stepped on looked like the piece of a bottle. The reason why I cut my foot on it is because the sharp end was sticking up. There is a trick to stepping on glass. First step, don't rub/shuffle your feet on the glass 'c…
Probably since it was hard for the audience to just even remember Mua'dib, they figured it best to leave out usul to not confuse people. But I did notice that they left it out,
They shoulda gotten what's-his-name. uhh, who is he? Al decaprio? The…
I think the mini-series followed the book much more than the movie. Loved the worms. The Fremen of the Children of Dune mini-series didn't have the deep blue eyes like the first one which was dissapointing.