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  • [cite] musicalbeastie:[/cite]Maybe I'm missing something here. I understand and appreciate the desire to form strong family bonds, and I see that sleeping in the same room/bed can aid in this. What I don't understand, and everyone else seems to…
  • that pic looks like photoshop (j/k)LOL It's all about the ratings, if you see any normal family as what the majority of Amricans are depicted in of what the media says, everyone outside the norm is either strange and abnormal to everyone. How …
  • Yea, I guess that is why i am so used in sleeping in my parent's room. I was always sick when i was a baby, and especially during the winter. I'd always sleep in their room because they wanted to make sure i was always sleeping ok, and that i was br…
  • i like all kinds of music for various artist. Rock, alternative, newage, ambiant, goth metal, classical, ska, jazz, smooth jazz, techno, dance of all kinds. I'll listen to anything but country, rap or R&B. Bluegrass is cool, but haven't he…