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  • [cite] riverwolf:[/cite]The simple mantra that I worked for me was "If there is non-being and being, fire and water, yin and yang, then there must be straight men and non-straight men" since the Way always works to produce opposites. Gender expe…
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite]Yes indeed, and of course, the "emotional component" is also rooted in the biological. Come to think of it, so must be the intellectual. Perhaps and I don't think we really know the truth about that. It may seem like it is…
  • This stuff doesn't make any more sense to me with a glass of wine than it did without. :twisted: Sex is like eating. Once is enough until the next time. All that aside, it is just an animal thing we do. There can be an emmotional component to…
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite]Boy, aren't you glad life is so short! No, but I am glad it has a limit. Time is a friend that keeps me on my toes because I know it is limited. [cite] Carl:[/cite]Although, I've asked people if they'd like to live forever…
  • Funny thing is, unless a person posts, you have no clue that they aren't saying anything.
  • I am not a taoist but I believe that the tao teaches about good leadership and also that we need some. It may be that none of us is up to the task so we get people who want to lead but none that can lead positively.
  • Yes. I can see that. If you are complete (accepting) about the suffering, what will also be there is not suffering (law of opposites). If you are incomplete (not accepting) about the suffering, what will be there is just suffering. I think you…
  • I speak to anyone, nobody in particular. My response is made directly to this post that it may be received indirectly. When I am "stressed" I find it is usually because I am resisting something the way it is, saying to myself it should be some ot…
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite]This site is 'quiet' enough. So tease and bait away! You give good grist for the mill of my mind. Thanks. A taoist chatroom. Now there is an oxymoron for you. I notice you get a lot more views than responses. Your taoist …
  • [quote][cite] Carl:[/cite]Choosing, choosing, choosing... Ha! I can see where we may be going now, or rather returning. Nah, we have probably wrung all we can out of [url=]free will[/url]. I would just ask, who i…
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite]Of course that brings up the old conundrum, how do we remember to remember what we desire to remember? Tie a sting on our finger? I have no solution, although I have noticed that the deeper my [chref=64]desire[/chref], the bett…
  • [cite] Joe:[/cite]I've been letting myself feel hungry, instead of eating 3 square meals. I too also have more energy. In fact, when I go for a morning 1 hr. bike ride, if I don't eat beforehand, I actually feel better putting out the energy. …
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite]As usual, too many words. I'm such a blabber mouth. No, that was good input. I like a guy you don't have to pump for information. [cite] Carl:[/cite]It feels great when we can finally get our act together doesn't it. …
  • Carl, I am wondering, Tai Chi or Yoga? I was looking at your booklet on Hatha Yoga (downloaded from the web). I have had issues with my back which have forced me to face the lack if care I have given to my body particularly in the last twenty …
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite]I can only influence my feeding instinct if I remain aware - moment to moment - what the stakes are, and that instinct is in control. Knowing, moment to moment, that 'I' am not in control is the best way I've found to be in con…
  • I think this can be summed up in the immortal words of Stephen Stills when he sang, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." Which really can apply to anything in life, not just love.
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite]Certainly, we agree that "want" precedes "belief". However, you imply that we, the believers, have enough free will to "hide from ourselves that we made it up". If anything, resulting "beliefs" feed back on the causative "wants…
  • I can see this. [cite] Carl:[/cite]The main reason we are delusional is not only are we able to think, we also
  • I think I am a god in this simple way; the answer to "why?" is for me to create. My creator has left the answer to this question to me to answer for myself. If I look for the answer to the question outside of myself, the question is unanswerable.…
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite]I'm fascinated by how close Topher and my views seem to be in some ways, and how opposite in others - primarily in his 'pro-language' and my 'con-language' position. But, even there I actually agree with him on the extent to w…
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite][chref=71]Not to know yet to think that one knows will lead to difficulty[/chref] Getting this alone would entirely change the face of the world.
  • [cite] Lynn Cornish:[/cite]What would be better Appreciation for everything?
  • I've got nothing to add but I did want to say that this thread really hit the spot.
  • I went to Death Valley the last weekend in January on my motorcycle. There were times I was nearly moved to tears by what I was seeing; along the way and while I was there. I get that way about this world we live in. It inspires me. It moves me. …
  • I have been listening to this audio book during my commute. I am 3/4 of the way through. I think it would be good for everyone to at least be exposed to this point of view. I don't agree with it entirely though, many of his ideas and observations…
  • Well, rats. I wasn't paying close enough attention. I thought I was getting the right one. At least I got the right one when I bought the book but that won't help me on my commute.
  • You can get Tao Te Ching, Lao Tsu on Audible. The narrator is Dr Jacob Needleman.
  • [cite] Lynn Cornish:[/cite]Do we get to choose whether we are at the cause of tribal instinct? That's like asking whether we are at the cause of the urge to procreate. I think tribal instinct is hard-wired into our biological makeup, like it o…
  • [cite] Carl:[/cite]tribal instinct My view of life is that I am not a victim of such a thing. Is it a factor? Yes, I think it is. Do I chose to be at the cause of it? No.